Thread: Uisng Procedures via JDBC

Uisng Procedures via JDBC

"Michaell Oxtoby"
I have a query about accessing stored procedures in Postgres via JDBC.

Currently if we have a "cardata" procedure which retrieves a set of data on

we access it in the following manner:

Statement s1 = connection.createStatement( );

String query = "select cardata( )";

ResultSet results = s1.executeQuery( query );

This is very different from the standard way of calling a stored procedure
in JDBC which

looks more like:

CallableStatement s1 = connection.prepareCall("{ call cardata }");

ResultSet results = s1.executeQuery( );

I would like to know if there is a better way of calling stored procedures
than the one we

are using or whether there is a method that looks more like the second piece
of code.

Re: Uisng Procedures via JDBC

"Josh Berkus"

Send your question to the pgsql-jdbc list.  They can help you.  We can't.

-Josh Berkus

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