Thread: Registring a C function in PostgreSQL

Registring a C function in PostgreSQL

Miguel González
I have followed the instructions in the Bruje Momjian´s book to register a
function, and i got this message:

 ERROR:/load of file /home/postgres/ failed: /home/postgres/
ELF file´s phentsize not the expected size.

What is going on? I have tried to get more documentation about how to use C
functions in PostgreSQL, but I cant.

 Many thanks in advance


Re: Registring a C function in PostgreSQL

Peter Eisentraut
Miguel González writes:

>  ERROR:/load of file /home/postgres/ failed: /home/postgres/
> ELF file´s phentsize not the expected size.

You probably didn't compile or link the code correctly.  See the
PostgreSQL Programmer's Guide for information.

Peter Eisentraut

Re: Registring a C function in PostgreSQL

Haller Christoph
Did you use the compiler option for generating 
position independent code (PIC) for use in building
shared libraries.
Did you use the linker option for creating 
a shared library - I think you did, the file 
suffix .so looks that way. 
I did it several times successfully using commands 
CREATE FUNCTION byteatostr(bytea) RETURNS textAS './' LANGUAGE 'c';
and it worked. 
Maybe you should add some more information about 
what you did in detail. 
Regards, Christoph 

Re: Registring a C function in PostgreSQL

Miguel González
Many thanks for your answers. The thing that in the Bruce´s book doesnt
explain how to compile this kind of functions, anyway I found how to compile
Now, I am still having problems. I want to create a function to send an
email. I pass to the function two arguments: the email to send, and the text
to send.
First, I tried with pointers to char. It worked when I just create a
function called "sendemail()" with no arguments and set inside the text and
the email arguments.
When I read some more documentation about how to use strings in PostgreSQL,
I discovered that I have to use the text type in my C program I just try it
although it worked before, now I doesnt work.
This is what I have tried:

#include <stdio.h>#include "postgres.h"
int sendemail(text *email,text *message){
    char string_tosend [300];
    sprintf(string_tosend,"echo \"%s\" >/tmp/mailtmp.txt
   sprintf(string_tosend,"mail -s \"message from PostgreSQL\" %s
</tmp/mailtmp.txt \n",VARDATA(message));
    system("rm /tmp/mailtmp.txt");
    return 0;


and then in the back-end of PostgreSQL and I declared
CREATE FUNCTION sendemail(text,text)RETURNS int4AS '/home/postgres/'LANGUAGE 'c';
and then SELECT sendemail('postgres','test from backend');
and it didnt work. What am I doing wrong?
I have being testing and I guess is something to do with the text data type
and how to use it within a C program.
Many thanks in advance

----- Original Message -----
From: "Haller Christoph" <>
To: "Miguel González" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [SQL] Registring a C function in PostgreSQL

> Did you use the compiler option for generating
> position independent code (PIC) for use in building
> shared libraries.
> Did you use the linker option for creating
> a shared library - I think you did, the file
> suffix .so looks that way.
> I did it several times successfully using commands
> like
> CREATE FUNCTION byteatostr(bytea) RETURNS text
>  AS './' LANGUAGE 'c';
> and it worked.
> Maybe you should add some more information about
> what you did in detail.
> Regards, Christoph

Re: Registring a C function in PostgreSQL II

Haller Christoph
I'm working on a HP-UX system, so some of the 
following has to be adapted, but in principle 
it's the same on every system and it works. 
First piece of code is a standalone program, 
which you should always write and test before 
you start creating C functions inside PostgreSQL. 
Second piece is your sendemail function slightly 
modified to make it run on my system. 
When I do a 
select sendemail('ch', 'was soll das?') ;
I'm receiving an email from postgres. 
Regards, Christoph 

First piece:

cc -Aa -g -I/opt/pgsql/include/ -c sendemtest.c
cc sendemail.o sendemtest.o -o sendemtest
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "postgres.h"

void main() {  char buf[1024];  int ln;  text *res;  text *to;  int sendemail(text *email,text *message);
strcpy(buf,"Kissenminister Aussinger \n");  ln = strlen(buf);    res = (text *) malloc(VARHDRSZ + ln);  memset(res, 0,
VARHDRSZ+ ln);  res->vl_len = VARHDRSZ + ln;  memcpy(res->vl_dat, buf, (int) ln);    strcpy(buf, "ch");  ln =
strlen(buf);   to = (text *) malloc(VARHDRSZ + ln);  memset(to, 0, VARHDRSZ + ln);  to->vl_len = VARHDRSZ + ln;
memcpy(to->vl_dat,buf, (int) ln);    sendemail(to, res);

Second piece: 

cc -Aa -g -I/opt/pgsql/include/ +z -c sendemail.c
ld -b -o sendemail.o

CREATE FUNCTION sendemail(text,text) RETURNS int4AS '/fdsk2/users/ch/tools/pgsql.mydoc/' LANGUAGE 'c';
DROP FUNCTION sendemail(text,text);
*/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "postgres.h"
int sendemail(text *email,text *message){    int result = 0 ; 
    char string_tosend [300];
    sprintf(string_tosend,"/usr/bin/echo \"%s\" >/tmp/mailtmp.txt\n",VARDATA(message));
    result += system(string_tosend);
    sprintf(string_tosend,"/usr/bin/mail -dt %s </tmp/mailtmp.txt \n",     VARDATA(email));
    result += system(string_tosend);
    result += system("/usr/bin/rm /tmp/mailtmp.txt");
    return result;
