Hi All;
Trying to set up a database with postgres. below is what I have so
In the example I want board to be filled with;
How do I do this? Also is what I have so far the best way for this
database? Later I will want to write an inferface for it, in C with
libpq. Where can I get docs for dummies?
### kipistol.sql ###
## Create and fill sarpa details
create table sarpa
surname varchar(15) not null,
firstname varchar(15) not null,
inits varchar(5),
paddress varchar(29) not null,
pcity varchar(15) not null,
pcode smallint not null,
haddress varchar(29),
hcity varchar(15),
hcode smallint,
dob date,
sex varchar(01) not null,
jnr varchar(01) not null,
joined date
create unique index sarpa_idx
on sarpa(surname, firstname);
copy sarpa
from '//home//degoble//code//scripts//sarpa.dat'
using delimiters '|';
## Create and fill local details
create table kiplocal
surname varchar(15) not null,
firstname varchar(15) not null,
aka varchar(15),
phmain varchar(15) not null,
phsecondary varchar(15),
phmobile_fax varchar(15),
licence_no varchar(07)
create unique index kiplocal_idx
on kiplocal(surname, firstname, aka);
copy kiplocal
from '//home//degoble//code//scripts//local.dat'
using delimiters '|';
## Create and fill expiries details
create table expiries
licence_no varchar(07) not null,
lic_day smallint,
lic_month smallint
create unique index expiries_idx
on expiries(licence_no);
copy expiries
from '//home//degoble//code//scripts//expiries.dat'
using delimiters '|';
## Create a view from sarpa and kiplocal
create view members as
select s.surname,
from sarpa s, kiplocal l
where s.surname=l.surname and
## Create and fill board
create table board
title varchar(15) not null
) inherits(members);
create unique index board_idx
on board(title);
/* ### the data files ### */
/* ## sarpa.dat ## */
Goble|David|DEG|Po Box 648|Kingscote|5223|9 Murray
/* ## local.dat ## */
Goble|David|David|8553 2829|8553 2829|mobile|280198R
/* ## expiries.dat ### */
--Regards David. E. Goble
goble [AT] kin.net.au
Po Box 648 Kingscote, Kangaroo Island, SA 5223