Thread: changes to table creation syntax in 7.1.2?

changes to table creation syntax in 7.1.2?

"Jayson Callaway"
In postgres 7.0.x I had some working code that lookes something like:

(   uid int4 PRIMARY KEY,   description text NOT NULL,   parent int4 NULL REFERENCES category(uid)

After upgrading to postgres 7.1.2 however this syntax is not accepted
anymore. I receive an error that says it can not create the reference
because the table category does not exist.

How do I setup this type of reference structure in 7.1.2? Did the syntax

I am running under Linux.
Jayson Callaway

Re: changes to table creation syntax in 7.1.2?

Stephan Szabo
On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Jayson Callaway wrote:

> In postgres 7.0.x I had some working code that lookes something like:
> CREATE TABLE category
> (
>     uid int4 PRIMARY KEY,
>     description text NOT NULL,
>     parent int4 NULL REFERENCES category(uid)
> )
> After upgrading to postgres 7.1.2 however this syntax is not accepted
> anymore. I receive an error that says it can not create the reference
> because the table category does not exist.
> How do I setup this type of reference structure in 7.1.2? Did the syntax
> change?

Hmm, that's odd, that should have still worked (and does work on
reasonably current sources).  I'd have thought we'd have seen reports
before now if this syntax got broken, but maybe not.  Only other thing I
could think of would be if the table name was a double quoted name of
mixed case and not such in the references constraint.

As an interim solution you can use alter table to add the references
constraint after the table creation.

Re: changes to table creation syntax in 7.1.2?

Jason Earl
It looks like it works here :(.  Do you have an error

processdata=# select version();                           version                          
---------------------------------------------------------------PostgreSQL 7.1.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by
GCC 2.95.4
(1 row)

processdata=# CREATE TABLE category
processdata-# (
processdata(#     uid int4 PRIMARY KEY,
processdata(#     description text NOT NULL,
processdata(#     parent int4 NULL REFERENCES
processdata(# )
processdata-# ;
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit
index 'category_pkey' for table 'category'
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s)
for FOREIGN KEY check(s)

--- Jayson Callaway <> wrote:
> In postgres 7.0.x I had some working code that
> lookes something like:
> CREATE TABLE category
> (
>     uid int4 PRIMARY KEY,
>     description text NOT NULL,
>     parent int4 NULL REFERENCES category(uid)
> )
> After upgrading to postgres 7.1.2 however this
> syntax is not accepted
> anymore. I receive an error that says it can not
> create the reference
> because the table category does not exist.
> How do I setup this type of reference structure in
> 7.1.2? Did the syntax
> change?
> I am running under Linux.
> --
> Jayson Callaway
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to

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RE: changes to table creation syntax in 7.1.2?

"Jayson Callaway"

First of all, thanks for your response. I had given up that anyone was going
to respond. After seeing your response I went back and found what was making
the difference. The failing syntax below worked on 7.0.3 but not on the
7.1.2 version. Seeing your working example(unlike another response) gave me
the answer.


This file of commands fail...

[jayson@grendal db]$ cat test
CREATE TABLE "test_cat" (       "uid" int4 NOT NULL,       "name" text NOT NULL,       "description" text NOT NULL,
 "parent_category_uid" int4 NULL REFERENCES test_cat(uid)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_cat_pkey on test_cat (uid);
[jayson@grendal db]$ psql -e -f test -d wr -U wr_web
CREATE TABLE "test_cat" (       "uid" int4 NOT NULL,       "name" text NOT NULL,       "description" text NOT NULL,
 "parent_category_uid" int4 NULL REFERENCES test_cat(uid)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_cat_pkey on test_cat (uid);
psql:test:6: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for
FOREIGN KEY check(s)
psql:test:6: ERROR:  UNIQUE constraint matching given keys for referenced
table "test_cat" not found
[jayson@grendal db]$

While this set of commands is successsfull...

[jayson@grendal db]$ cat test
CREATE TABLE "test_cat" (       "uid" int4 PRIMARY KEY,       "name" text NOT NULL,       "description" text NOT NULL,
    "parent_category_uid" int4 NULL REFERENCES test_cat(uid)
[jayson@grendal db]$ psql -e -f test -d wr -U wr_web
CREATE TABLE "test_cat" (       "uid" int4 PRIMARY KEY,       "name" text NOT NULL,       "description" text NOT NULL,
    "parent_category_uid" int4 NULL REFERENCES test_cat(uid)
psql:test:6: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
'test_cat_pkey' for table 'test_cat'
psql:test:6: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for
FOREIGN KEY check(s)
[jayson@grendal db]$

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Earl []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:35 PM
> To: Jayson Callaway;
> Subject: Re: [SQL] changes to table creation syntax in 7.1.2?
> It looks like it works here :(.  Do you have an error
> message?
> processdata=# select version();
>                             version
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>  PostgreSQL 7.1.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by
> GCC 2.95.4
> (1 row)
> processdata=# CREATE TABLE category
> processdata-# (
> processdata(#     uid int4 PRIMARY KEY,
> processdata(#     description text NOT NULL,
> processdata(#     parent int4 NULL REFERENCES
> category(uid)
> processdata(# )
> processdata-#
> processdata-# ;
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit
> index 'category_pkey' for table 'category'
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s)
> for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
> --- Jayson Callaway <> wrote:
> > In postgres 7.0.x I had some working code that
> > lookes something like:
> >
> > CREATE TABLE category
> > (
> >     uid int4 PRIMARY KEY,
> >     description text NOT NULL,
> >     parent int4 NULL REFERENCES category(uid)
> > )
> >
> > After upgrading to postgres 7.1.2 however this
> > syntax is not accepted
> > anymore. I receive an error that says it can not
> > create the reference
> > because the table category does not exist.
> >
> > How do I setup this type of reference structure in
> > 7.1.2? Did the syntax
> > change?
> >
> > I am running under Linux.
> > --
> > Jayson Callaway
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of
> > broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to
> __________________________________________________
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