Thread: Help on a sql querry.

Help on a sql querry.

Hi the list !
I've got a table in which I've got informations about persons.
I'd like to know how many there are by etablissements, and the detail by
So, here is how my table is described :
table can :
num_can //candidate number
nom_can //name
cod_sex //sex of candidate : M=Man, F = Woman
cod_eta // Etablissemnt where this person is.

Any idea ? I'd like to avoid unions, cause it makes many lines for too
few informations....
Thanks by advance.
In a world without walls or fences, what use do we have 
for windows or gates ?

Re: Help on a sql querry.

Frank Bax
You might be looking for something like:

SELECT  cod_eta,  SUM (CASE WHEN  cod_sex='F' THEN  1  ELSE 0 END)  AS  female, SUM (CASE WHEN  cod_sex='M' THEN  1
ELSE0 END)  AS  male  FROM  can GROUP BY  cod_eta ORDER BY  cod_eta;

This should return rows containing: eta, female, male.
I might have made a typo tho...


At 11:17 AM 6/13/01 +0200, David BOURIAUD wrote:
>Hi the list !
>I've got a table in which I've got informations about persons.
>I'd like to know how many there are by etablissements, and the detail by
>So, here is how my table is described :
>table can :
>num_can //candidate number
>nom_can //name
>cod_sex //sex of candidate : M=Man, F = Woman
>cod_eta // Etablissemnt where this person is.
>Any idea ? I'd like to avoid unions, cause it makes many lines for too
>few informations....
>Thanks by advance.
>In a world without walls or fences, what use do we have 
>for windows or gates ?
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