Thread: evaluating values of attributes from computed attribute names in trigger function


I need to find all changed fields in a trigger function. I found out how
to get the names of all attributes within plpgsql, but I cannot get the
value of NEW and OLD for the attribute with that name.

That is:

assume there is and

let the name 'foo' be computed and stored in variable attrname:attrname='foo'

Then, if I write NEW.attrname, it is confused with an attribute called

So how can I get the changed fields in my row?
Please see my function below.

Thank you very much,


CREATE FUNCTION trg_001() RETURNS OPAQUE AS       '       DECLARE               rec     RECORD;
       BEGIN               FOR rec IN SELECT a.attname AS atr FROM pg_attribute
a,pg_class c WHERE a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.attnum > 0 AND
c.relname=TG_RELNAME LOOP                       IF NEW.atr <> OLD.atr THEN                               INSERT INTO
test(txt) VALUES (rec.atr);                       END IF;               END LOOP;               RETURN NEW;       END;
    '       LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';