> Is it possible to execute a query using a where clause that
> allows case
> insensitive comparison between a field and text.
> For example:
> select * from account where username = 'test'
> where username could be 'Test', which would be a match. As is, this
> compare is case sensitive.
select * from account where lower(username) = 'test';
----Dipl.Ing. Andreas Manessinger - CCT / Competence Center TelematikMagistrat der Stadt Wien, Magistratsabteilung 14
-ADV,Rathausstr. 1, A-1082 WienE-Mail: man@adv.magwien.gv.at Tel: (+43 1) 4000-91176 Fax: (+43 1)
4000-99-91176 WWW: http://service.wien.gv.at/