Thread: Setting session global variables

Setting session global variables

Is there a way to set a session global variable in PostgreSQL?  The only
thing I see are examples of setting config variables.
Not sure if session variables are your best solution, but here's how you implement them:

-- Warning: this defines a global variable in the tcl interpretor.  This could
-- crash with other TCL procedures if the same name were used during the same connection.

-- Store a value in a variable.  This is helpful for caching values in a transaction
-- Calling sequence: store(variable,value)
create function store(text,text) returns int4 as '
    global store_vars
    return [set store_vars($1) $2]
    ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';

-- Fetch a value from a variable.
-- Calling sequence: recall(variable)
create function recall(text) returns int4 as '
    global store_vars
    return [subst $store_vars($1)]
    ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';
