Thread: passing parameters between forms

passing parameters between forms

Sharmad Naik
Hi,       I have created a database with following structure
               CREATE TABLE member(                       mem_id INT,                       name TEXT,
    age INT);
       the first page is as follows :
<!-- search1.html -->
<BODY>      <H1> This is the  first page </H1>      <FORM ACTION=search2.php>               Member ID :
  <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="mem_id">      Member NAME :                          <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="name">
MemberAGE :                         <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="age">                                          <INPUT
TYPE="submit"NAME="Enter">      </FORM>                           

The second page that is search 2.php is as follows :

<!-- search2.php -->
<BODY>       <H1>This is the Displaying page</H1>       <?php               if(mem_id)               {
    echo("<FORM ACTION=search3.php>");                       echo("$mem_id<BR>");
echo("$name<BR>");                      echo("$age<BR>");                       echo("<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Enter
//                      require("search3.php");
//                      series($mem_id,$name,$age);                       echo("</FORM>");               }
else{ echo("<H2>Inconvient data</H2>");}       ?>

This is search3.php

<?php       function series($mem_id,$name,$age)       {               echo("$mem_id");               echo("$name");
         echo("$age");       }


In my search3.php I want to insert (which i have not given) or atleast echo the parameter like mem_id, age and name.My
+is how do i pass the parameters between search2.php and search3.php.If there is another way out pls tell.
I tried using functions to get the work done.but couldn't get my way out.
       Can anybody help me?


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Re: passing parameters between forms

"Richard Huxton"
From: "Sharmad Naik" <>

> Hi,
>         I have created a database with following structure
>                 CREATE TABLE member(
>                         mem_id INT,
>                         name TEXT,
>                         age INT);
>         the first page is as follows :
> <!-- search1.html -->
>        <FORM ACTION=search2.php>
>        Member ID :
>        <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="mem_id">

> The second page that is search 2.php is as follows :
> <!-- search2.php -->
>                         echo("<FORM ACTION=search3.php>");
>                         echo("$mem_id<BR>");

Create a hidden input element that will be posted on to the third form:

echo('<INPUT TYPE="hidden" VALUE=".$mem_id.'">');

>                         echo("$name<BR>");
>                         echo("$age<BR>");
>                         echo("<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Enter
> //                      require("search3.php");
> //                      series($mem_id,$name,$age);
>                         echo("</FORM>");

> In my search3.php I want to insert (which i have not given) or atleast
echo the parameter like mem_id, age and name.My Q
> +is how do i pass the parameters between search2.php and search3.php.If
there is another way out pls tell.
> I tried using functions to get the work done.but couldn't get my way out.

This is more of a cgi question really - I'd suggest a quick visit to and have a look at the CGI faq.

- Richard Huxton