Thread: Re: Select very slow

Re: Select very slow

Mark Kirkwood
>    That 'count(*)' is going to be slow.
>    Try counting a column that's indexed (p.doc might work?)

That is not the case, you can convince yourself with explain - you get the 
same plan(s)  :

e.g :  ( table dim0 with indexed column d0key ) ...

explain select count(*) from  dim0 where d0key < 1000; 

Aggregate  (cost=96.13..96.13 rows=1 width=0) ->  Index Scan using dim0_pk on dim0  (cost=0.00..93.63 rows=1000

explain select count(d0key) from  dim0 where d0key < 1000;
Aggregate  (cost=96.13..96.13 rows=1 width=4) ->  Index Scan using dim0_pk on dim0  (cost=0.00..93.63 rows=1000

>  (the tables and query snipped..).
>  anyone help-me ?

I would try to make the primary key ( doc) a fixed length varchar(n) instead 
of text  if possible, as text is intended for very long strings and btree 
indexes usually perform best on (small) fixed length columns.

If your key is going to be a really long string then maybe rethink the design 
( use a "synthetic" key like a sequence or integer checksum of doc to index 
on ).

perform a vacuum analyze and then post the output of the explain below to 
this list !

explain select,count(*) from sales s, person p where s.doc = p.doc
group by;  

