Thread: PIVOT of data

PIVOT of data

Srikanth Rao
I have a table like this:      location        | numbrochures | marketing 
-----------------------+--------------+-----------101 Asheville, NC     |            4 | NEWS101 Asheville, NC     |
       1 | TV101 Asheville, NC     |            3 | RADIO101 Asheville, NC     |            2 | OTHER101 Asheville, NC
  |            3 | null101 Asheville, NC     |            1 | TV102 'Charlotte', 'NC' |            1 | SIGN104
'Colfax','NC'    |            5 | SIGN109 'Moyock', 'NC'    |            1 | BROCHURE
(9 rows)

I want the headings to be  like:

location | NEWS | TV | RADIO | OTHER | ........

How to get this done using sql for postgresql backend?


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Re: PIVOT of data

"Oliver Elphick"
Srikanth Rao wrote: >Hi,  >I have a table like this: >       location        | numbrochures | marketing
>-----------------------+--------------+-----------> 101 Asheville, NC     |            4 | NEWS > 101 Asheville, NC
|            1 | TV > 101 Asheville, NC     |            3 | RADIO > 101 Asheville, NC     |            2 | OTHER > 101
Asheville,NC     |            3 | null > 101 Asheville, NC     |            1 | TV > 102 'Charlotte', 'NC' |
1| SIGN > 104 'Colfax', 'NC'    |            5 | SIGN > 109 'Moyock', 'NC'    |            1 | BROCHURE >(9 rows) > >
>Iwant the headings to be  like: > >location | NEWS | TV | RADIO | OTHER | ........ > >How to get this done using sql
forpostgresql backend?

SELECT location,      CASE WHEN marketing = 'NEWS'           THEN numbrochures           ELSE NULL      END AS "NEWS",
   CASE WHEN marketing = 'TV'           THEN numbrochures           ELSE NULL      END AS "TV",      ...

but it's a clumsy hack and won't work if you don't know the
contents of "marketing" in advance.

Oliver Elphick                      
Isle of Wight                    
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
========================================   "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see      your good works,
andglorify your Father which is in      heaven."         Matthew 5:16 

Re: PIVOT of data

Tim Perdue
Probably worth noting that this could be normalized into at least 3 tables
from what I can tell.


On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 11:03:01PM +0000, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> Srikanth Rao wrote:
>   >Hi, 
>   >I have a table like this:
>   >       location        | numbrochures | marketing 
>   >-----------------------+--------------+-----------
>   > 101 Asheville, NC     |            4 | NEWS
>   > 101 Asheville, NC     |            1 | TV
>   > 101 Asheville, NC     |            3 | RADIO
>   > 101 Asheville, NC     |            2 | OTHER
>   > 101 Asheville, NC     |            3 | null
>   > 101 Asheville, NC     |            1 | TV
>   > 102 'Charlotte', 'NC' |            1 | SIGN
>   > 104 'Colfax', 'NC'    |            5 | SIGN
>   > 109 'Moyock', 'NC'    |            1 | BROCHURE
>   >(9 rows)
>   >
>   >
>   >I want the headings to be  like:
>   >
>   >location | NEWS | TV | RADIO | OTHER | ........
>   >
>   >How to get this done using sql for postgresql backend?
> SELECT location,
>        CASE WHEN marketing = 'NEWS'
>             THEN numbrochures
>             ELSE NULL
>        END AS "NEWS",
>        CASE WHEN marketing = 'TV'
>             THEN numbrochures
>             ELSE NULL
>        END AS "TV",
>        ...
> but it's a clumsy hack and won't work if you don't know the
> contents of "marketing" in advance.
> -- 
> Oliver Elphick                      
> Isle of Wight                    
> PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
> GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
>                  ========================================
>      "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see 
>       your good works, and glorify your Father which is in 
>       heaven."         Matthew 5:16 
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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Re: PIVOT of data

"Josh Berkus"
Aside from seconding Tim (your database is *not* normalized), the PIVOT
function is only available one of 2 ways:

SQL-ONLY, FIXED COLUMN:  If you know your categories in advance, you can
write a complex view using outer joins, sub-selects, and aggregates.
Imagine that we know your types of marketing to be limited to TV, NEWS

SELECT client_address, tv_totals.totaltv, news_totals.totalnews,
FROM clients
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT client_address, sum(tv_spots) as totaltvFROM clientsGROUP BY client_address ) AS tv_totalsON
tv_totals.client_address= clients.client_address
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT client_address, sum(news_ads) as totalnewsFROM clientsGROUP BY client_address ) AS
news_totalsONnews_totals.client_address = clients.client_address
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT client_address, sum(posters) as totalpostersFROM clientsGROUP BY client_address ) AS
poster_totalsONposter_totals.client_address = clients.client_address;

DYNAMIC METHOD:  This requires an external programming language, and I'm
not going to write it for you!  However, pick you favorite procedural
language (tcl, perl, or C) and write the following:

1. Do an select distinct to obtain each value in the column you want to
use in the headers.  Load this series into an array.

2. Dynamically generate query text, adding a column and a LEFT OUTER
JOIN as above into the query for each value in your array.

This method is a lot of work for both you and the server.  Why do you
think that MS Access often crashes on a large "crosstab" query?

-Josh Berkus

______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________                                      Josh Berkus Complete
informationtechnology  and data management solutions       (415) 565-7293 for law firms, small
businesses       fax 621-2533   and non-profit organizations.      San Francisco

Re: Normalization is always good?

Josh Berkus

> I have been working with SQL databases for about a year in a half and
> in that time I've come to the conclusion that it is not always
> preferable to normalize to a high level (like 3rd level).  In some
> cases, depending on the application, I've found that normalizing to a
> ridiculous degree has shot me in the foot in terms of the
> responsibility of my code to manage what happens in the database.

There I'd agree with you ... there is the question of *how rigorous* you
want your normalization to be.  I tend to hover around the simplest
normal form, most of the time.  And I do a few things (such as
polymorhic sub-tables) that would give Fabian Pascal fits :-)

However, there is (in my mind) no question as to whether a database
should be normalized, just how much effort is spent on normalization as
opposed to other considerations (UI, performance, development time).

> I've found referential integrity makes normalization a less expensive
> notion as it absolves you of the task of keeping data current in all
> your tables.  I've also found that working in an object oriented
> language makes normalization less expensive.

What do you use?  I've given up on OODB interfaces, myself, as I did not
find them helpful, but that's modtly because I was working in MS-land.

> What are the views of the people on this list re: Normalization
> Guidelines?  Anybody know of any good web sites that talk about this
> in depth?

Yup.  Dig through the archives.

-Josh Berkus

______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________                                       Josh Berkus  Complete
informationtechnology   and data management solutions       (415) 565-7293  for law firms, small
businesses      fax  621-2533   and non-profit organizations.       San Francisco

Re: Normalization is always good?

Hi Josh,

> normal form, most of the time.  And I do a few things (such as
> polymorhic sub-tables) that would give Fabian Pascal fits :-)

Polymorphic sub-tables? =) Do you mean using, for example, one user
table that stores different types of users and has some fields
specific to only some kinds of users and other fields that are shared
by all users?

> However, there is (in my mind) no question as to whether a database
> should be normalized, just how much effort is spent on normalization as
> opposed to other considerations (UI, performance, development time).

I agree.  Anyone here familiar with "Extreme Programming"?- they
suggest that you should architect your software only for the
functionality you need NOW.  While some aspects of extreme progrmming
have proven themselves true in the face of my skepticism I see it as
my moral obligation as programmer to write programs that are A) as
portable as possible and B) extensible.  With that in mind, I like
normalization because it increases the likelihood of scalability being
relatively painless.

> What do you use?  I've given up on OODB interfaces, myself, as I did not
> find them helpful, but that's modtly because I was working in MS-land.

I've been working in Java with JDBC... I've actually shot myself in
the foot a bit by not making my application object oriented enough.
In hindsight, and if time permitted more refactoring, I would have
written custom data objects to manage all interactions with the
database so that any management of data happened in one and only one
place and anything that needed to access those objects would do so
through the common interface.

> Yup.  Dig through the archives.

Couldn't find the server... I wonder if it's still there.


Jamu Kakar (Developer)            Expressus Design Studio, Inc.            708-1641 Lonsdale Avenue
V: (604) 903-6994            North Vancouver, BC, V7M 2J5

Re: Re: Normalization is always good?

Christof Glaser
On Friday, 16. March 2001 00:28, wrote:
> > Yup.  Dig through the archives.
> Couldn't find the server... I wonder if it's still there.

Try this one:

--          gl.aser . software engineering . internet service  . Planckstraße 7 . D-39104
Tel. +49.391.7 44 77 10 . Fax +49.391.7 44 77 13 . Mobil 0177.77 92 84 3

Re: Re: Normalization is always good?

"Josh Berkus"

> Polymorphic sub-tables? =) Do you mean using, for example, one user
> table that stores different types of users and has some fields
> specific to only some kinds of users and other fields that are shared
> by all users?

Nope.  What you described is a "not normalized" table.  ;-)

One project contains a Notes table.  However, I want it to be
configurable to what records notes apply ... that is, my application has
an admin option that allows you to configure the system so that there
are or aren't Notes for Client Addresses, for example.

TO do this, I created a sequence that is generally available
('universal_sq'), and set 7-9 tables to automatically increment a value
from the 'universal_sq' (column 'usq') for each record.

The Notes table, thus, effectively has the 'usq' as a foriegn key for 2
to 7 other tables, depending on user configuration.  The wonderful
PostgreSQL sequence handler makes this possible.  Thanks, Tom & team!

I've done this with a couple of other tables.  Not relationally correct,
but I can't find anything wrong with the idea.

> Couldn't find the server... I wonder if it's still there.

I believe that Christof posted the correct URL.

-Josh Berkus

______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________                                      Josh Berkus Complete
informationtechnology  and data management solutions       (415) 565-7293 for law firms, small
businesses       fax 621-2533   and non-profit organizations.      San Francisco