Thread: from PosgreSQL 7.1b3 to 7.0.3

from PosgreSQL 7.1b3 to 7.0.3

Najm Hashmi
I have PosgreSQL 7.1b3 running on one of our test  servers. It  seems like
PosgreSQL 7.1b3 is not very stable. I want to go back to 7.0.3v since it  it
the most stable version available. I am just wondering   what should I do. can
I reinstall 7.0.3 on 7.1b3 directly ? If not then what steps should I take. I
can always use pg_dump to dump data and stuff..
By the way 7.1b3 is crashing   3 to 4  times a week. We have 7.0.3 running on
another server and it rarely crashes.
Thanks in advance. Regards.


Re: from PosgreSQL 7.1b3 to 7.0.3

Tom Lane
Najm Hashmi <> writes:
> By the way 7.1b3 is crashing   3 to 4  times a week.

It would be nice to have some bug reports that might allow us to fix
those crashes.

And no, you can't go back to 7.0 without dump/initdb/reload.
        regards, tom lane

Re: from PosgreSQL 7.1b3 to 7.0.3

Christopher Sawtell
On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 05:27, Najm Hashmi wrote:
> I have PosgreSQL 7.1b3 running on one of our test  servers. It  seems
> like PosgreSQL 7.1b3 is not very stable. I want to go back to 7.0.3v
> since it  it the most stable version available. 

Another, imho better, alternative is to move forward to either the beta5 
release or to use the current cvs. There have been big and good changes 
between 7.0.x and 7.1.  If you wait just a few ( approximately 10 ) days 
7.1 will released as a public release.

Sincerely etc.,
NAME       Christopher SawtellCELL PHONE 021 257 4451ICQ UIN    45863470EMAIL      csawtell @ xtra . co . nzCNOTES
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