I guess this is really a SQL question:
I have a csv that I want to import, but the csv has different column
I have tried putting the column names in the first row, but then the
copy command fails on field which is data type (eg it is seeing the
cells in first row as data, not header info).
ggtest=> copy ap_trans from '/var/dbase/ap_trans.csv' using delimiters
ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "id": can't parse "id"
The help indicates:
ggtest=> \h copy
Command: copy
Description: copy data to and from a table
Syntax: COPY [BINARY] class_name [WITH OIDS] TO|FROM filename|STDIN|STDOUT [USING DELIMITERS 'delim'];
I have tried WITH OIDS but with same results.
Is there somewhere that I can either enable the first line of CSV as
header names
Can I explicitly define my import field ordering from within the select
Terry Fielder