Hello George,
Once, Thursday, March 01, 2001, 12:30:07 AM, you wrote:
GY> [postgres 7.0.2, x86 linux]
GY> I am trying to use a trigger to perform an sql 'notify' command.
GY> I do something like:
GY> CREATE FUNCTION run_changed() RETURNS opaque AS '
GY> declare
GY> nm text;
GY> begin
GY> nm := NEW.run_name;
GY> notify nm
GY> return null;
GY> end;
GY> ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
GY> create trigger run_changed_tr after update on runs for each row
GY> execute procedure run_changed();
GY> BUT, when I update the table, I get:
GY> ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "$1"
GY> It looks like the *name* (or it's alias here: $1.run_name), not the *value* of the variable nm,
GY> is passwd to the notify command. Since notify only takes a name, not a string,
GY> I don't see how to proceed.
GY> Is there some way in plsql to construct a string and have it executed in sql?
GY> disappointed in plsql,
GY> George
Trigger function must return record, try "return NEW" instead of
"return null"
Best regards,Yury