Thread: Returning a row from a function

Returning a row from a function


This is my first experinece in writing to u. Please excuse any obvious errors.

I have only recently started using the postgres database and i would like to know if it is possible to return a record
fromthe fucntion(both sql and plpgsql).

I tried this code.. but the reuslt i got was

create function ret_rec(char(10)) returns setof label as
select * from label where label_id = $1'
language 'sql';

hmv=# select ret_rec('L0001'); ?column?  

I also tried this.. 

create function ret_rec(char(10)) returns label as
label_rec record;
select into label_rec * from label where label_id = $1;
return label_rec;
language 'plpgsql';

hmv=# select ret_rec('L0001'); ret_rec  
(1 row)

What is the problem and what is this value that is being returned? Is there any other way in which i can handle this?

Please help.

Also, please tell me if there is any way in which i can pass values to a plpgsql function that is being called by a
trigger?(ie)this function exceutes when a trigger fires.. can i pass arguments to this function?

Regards and Thanx in advance
Deepa. - a free web based e-mail service that also pays!!!