Thread: Insertion and Retrieval of BLOB

Insertion and Retrieval of BLOB

Hi Everybody, <br />There are two methods we can insert and retrieve image from db. <br />One is by JDBC way , another
isby Postgres extensions. <p>I have problem with both while implementing. <br />If im trying to retrieve the image
(whichis stored in OID type) by Postgres extensions, <p>Ex: using LargeObjectManager lobj; <br />LargeObject;<br />Exception    :<b>Fast path protocol error: Z</b><p>If im trying insert image by  JDBC way i.e  by
getBinaryStream()aand setBinaryStreams() methods of PreparedStatement <br />Im getting Exception saying : <br
/>Exception: <b>InputStream parameter is not supported.</b><p>any idea ? <p>-- <br /> Som <br />  <br />  <br />  <br
/> <br />  <br />  <br />  <br />  <br />  <br />  <p>-- <br />