Thread: Boolean and Bit

Boolean and Bit

Keith Gray
Hello All,

This is my first post (so be gentle with me)...

Is there a searchable archive?

I would like suggestions and examples of adding SQL-92
data type BIT compatibility to a PostgreSQL schema.

>From the doc's I gather you can "CREATE TYPE bit"
with storage int or int4... but I don't know
about the input/output for zero and one.

Should SQL (ODBC) be able to ask "WHERE bitfield;"
or should it ask "WHERE bitfield = 1;" ?

Any response gratefully recognized...


Re: Boolean and Bit

"Josh Berkus"

> This is my first post (so be gentle with me)...

Well, yea-hah!  Fresh meat, boys!  Bring out the branding
iron and the Wayne Newton B-sides!

> I would like suggestions and examples of adding SQL-92
> data type BIT compatibility to a PostgreSQL schema.

First let me ask you:  Why do you want a Bit type?  What
purpose does it serve that INT2 and BOOLEAN do not?

I'm not being sarcastic -- this is an important question to
ask before creating *any* custom type on any RDBMS.

-Josh Berkus

Re: Boolean and Bit

"Josh Berkus"

> This is a compatibility issue. While I prefer to use
> BOOLEAN, this is SQL3
> and not available on the (unfortunately must use)
> MS-SQL/MSDE platform.
> My options are to use a CHAR field and re-write my code
> for "T" and "F" or
> an int field and re-write my code to use "field=0" and
> "field<>0"

Given that all the MS-SQL BIT field is, is INT1, using INT2
should not be much of a problem.  Go ahead an create a
custom type based on INT2 and add constraints to prevent any
values outside of the range of 0 and 1.

This is where the SQL92 DOMAIN (not, as far as I know,
available in PGSQL) construction would be useful in
PostgreSQL instead of TYPE (Tom?).  The problem with TYPE is
that you theoretically need to define a whole set of
operators for your TYPE, while DOMAIN is a bit simpler.

> I would like to distribute a script (SQL) file to our
> users to update
> databases to new versions... obstacles include
> BOOLEAN/BIT and the 
> inconsistent use of BLOB/MEMO/[long]varchar(4096).

Well, yes.  This is beacause BLOBs are NOT part of the SQL
standard and IMHO a bad idea relationally; thus their
implementation is entirely proprietary to the RDBMS.  The
solution is not to use BLOBs.  

> Distributing schema patches is proving troublesome across
> multiple
> platforms.

Yup.  Yer in for a world of pain, sonny.  Hope you get paid


Re: Re: Boolean and Bit

Josh Berkus
Josh Berkus wrote:

> Well, yes.  This is beacause BLOBs are NOT part of the SQL
> standard and IMHO a bad idea relationally; thus their
> implementation is entirely proprietary to the RDBMS.  The
> solution is not to use BLOBs.

Ooops.  Let me re-state:  This is because the *implementation* of BLOBS
is not defined in the SQL standard, and BLOBs are IMHO a bad idea for
relational database design, as they violate Codd's Rules.  Thus the
implementation of, anf functions and operators for BLOBs are entirely
proprietary to the RDBMS platform.

The solution to this is not to use BLOBs, but rather to use file system
handles for the location of the binary data on the server.  This way,
all you need is DOS-to-UNIX and UNIX-to-DOS translation for the
filesystem handles, something easily accomplished through
string-manipulation functions or stored procedures.
                -Josh Berkus

______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________                                       Josh Berkus  Complete
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Re: Boolean and Bit

Keith Gray
Josh Berkus wrote:
> The solution to this is not to use BLOBs, but rather to use file system
> handles for the location of the binary data on the server.  This way,
> all you need is DOS-to-UNIX and UNIX-to-DOS translation for the
> filesystem handles, something easily accomplished through
> string-manipulation functions or stored procedures.
>                                         -Josh Berkus

Do you have an example for implementing this?