Thread: SQL question

SQL question

Alain Lavigne
I'm trying to extract references (relationships) between tables for the
purpose of reverse/forward engineer from a modeling tool called

Here is the sql:

select u.usename,      p.relname,      v.usename,      c.relname,      t.tgconstrname,      dumpref(t.tgargs, 4),
from   pg_trigger t,      pg_proc f,      pg_class p,      pg_class c,      pg_user u,      pg_user v 
where  1=1 
and    f.proname='RI_FKey_check_ins'
and    t.tgfoid=f.oid 
and    c.oid=t.tgrelid 
and    p.oid=t.tgconstrrelid 
and    u.usesysid=p.relowner 
and    v.usesysid=c.relowner; 

I always get the following message: 

<< Error while executing the query; ERROR: Function 'dumpref(bytea, int4)'
does not exist Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given
argument types You may need to add explicit typecasts >>

What am I doing wrong ?? 

Alain Lavigne - Data Administrator - ZAQ.iTv  - E-Mail:
297 St-Paul, West - Montreal, Quebec, Canada  - H2Y 2A5
Phone: 514-282-7073 ext: 371
Fax: 514-282-8011