Thread: Casting


Thomas SMETS


In pgsql

I'm removing charaters from a String which should be numbers.
I then want to make calculations on these numbers (calculate the ISBN

Do I have to cast the char into int's before I can do the calulations.

Also I looked in the User manual but could not find the modulo function
where is it ?



Thu Jan  4 20:19:03 CET 2001

Thomas SMETS                        e-mail :
Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3       Tel. : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
1030 Bruxelles
======= Quote of the Day =========
Jealousy is all the fun you think they have.
========= End of Quote ===========

Re: Casting

Peter Eisentraut
Thomas SMETS writes:

> I'm removing charaters from a String which should be numbers.
> I then want to make calculations on these numbers (calculate the ISBN
> number).

(You might want to look into contrib/isbn_issn for an isbn type.)

> Do I have to cast the char into int's before I can do the calulations.

Depends on the calculation.  I'd just try to see if it works.  When in
doubt add casts.

> Also I looked in the User manual but could not find the modulo function
> where is it ?

5 % 4
mod(5, 4)

Peter Eisentraut

Re: Casting

Yes.  Casts are done like this:


or SomeField::text

Double  colons is the key '::'

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas SMETS" <>
To: "psql novice" <>; "psql sql"
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 7:31 PM
Subject: Casting

> Hi,
> In pgsql
> I'm removing charaters from a String which should be numbers.
> I then want to make calculations on these numbers (calculate the ISBN
> number).
> Do I have to cast the char into int's before I can do the calulations.
> Also I looked in the User manual but could not find the modulo function
> where is it ?
> tx,
> Thomas,
> --
> Thu Jan  4 20:19:03 CET 2001
> Thomas SMETS                        e-mail :
> Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3       Tel. : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
> 1030 Bruxelles
> ======= Quote of the Day =========
> Jealousy is all the fun you think they have.
> ========= End of Quote ===========