is there any possibility to do recursion in plpgsql-functions? Here is
what I tried (I know that I can do it with a simple loop, of course; I
am just curious about what one can or cannot do in plpgsql):
,----[ test-recursion ]
| drop table ttt;
| create table ttt
| ( id int4,
| pid int4 );
| insert into ttt values (1, NULL);
| insert into ttt values (2, NULL);
| insert into ttt values (3, 1);
| insert into ttt values (4, 1);
| insert into ttt values (5, 1);
| insert into ttt values (6, 2);
| insert into ttt values (7, 2);
| drop function idPath(int4);
| create function idPath(int4) returns text as '
| declare
| str text;
| str2 text;
| r record;
| begin
| select id, pid into r from ttt where id = $1;
| str :=;
| if IS NOT NULL then
| str2 := idPath(;
| str := str || '':'' || str2;
| end if;
| return str;
| end;' language 'plpgsql';
And when I tried to use it, I got:
| select idPath(5);
| pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
| This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
| before or while processing the request.
| The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
I'm running Postgres 7.0.2.
Thanks in advance,
Albert Reiner <>
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