Thread: Arrays


"Albert REINER"

I somehow get the impressions that support for arrays is not a high
priority with PostgreSQL, even though I think it would be very
handy. On the other hand, the system itself uses arrays e.g. for user
groups, so I guess there should be readily available
functions/operators for dealing with that, but I cannot seem to be
able to find them.

Is there a simple way of checking whether e.g. a given int4 is in a
given int4-array?

Is there a way to "thread" a command over an array? By this I mean:
Given an array {1, 2, 3} and a table t like
  id   |  name
--------|--------  1    |  joe  2    |  fred  3    |  mark

, a call to select thread('||', t, {1,2,3}) should produce

Thanks in advance,



Albert Reiner                                   <>
Deutsch       *       English       *       Esperanto       *       Latine

Re: Arrays

Oleg Bartunov
Wait some time. We have something you need - we implement RD-tree
using GiST interface. Unfortunately, GiST was very poorly tested
and supported, so we have to understand, fix and rewrite some part of code. 
There are still some problems but we hope to get working code in January.
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000, Albert REINER wrote:

> Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 22:29:33 +0100
> From: Albert REINER <>
> To: PostgreSQL-SQL <>
> Subject: [SQL] Arrays
> Saluton,
> I somehow get the impressions that support for arrays is not a high
> priority with PostgreSQL, even though I think it would be very
> handy. On the other hand, the system itself uses arrays e.g. for user
> groups, so I guess there should be readily available
> functions/operators for dealing with that, but I cannot seem to be
> able to find them.
> Is there a simple way of checking whether e.g. a given int4 is in a
> given int4-array?
> Is there a way to "thread" a command over an array? By this I mean:
> Given an array {1, 2, 3} and a table t like
>    id   |  name
> --------|--------
>    1    |  joe
>    2    |  fred
>    3    |  mark
> , a call to select thread('||', t, {1,2,3}) should produce
> 'joefredmark'.
> Thanks in advance,
> Albert.
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Albert Reiner                                   <>
> Deutsch       *       English       *       Esperanto       *       Latine
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83