I am trying to write my first plpgsql-functions; I do not seem to
be able to find a way of returning an array; here is what I tried:
| CREATE FUNCTION "concatallinstances2" (int4 ) RETURNS text[2] AS '
| declare
| reslt text;
| separator text;
| instance record;
| first text;
| begin
| reslt := '''';
| separator := '''';
| for instance in select cat from t where id = $1 order by cat LOOP
| if first is null then
| first :=;
| end if;
| reslt := reslt || separator ||;
| separator := '', '';
| end loop;
| return {first,reslt};
| end;
| ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
I also tried `... RETURNS text[] ...' and `... RETURNS text_ ...' (I
think I have read somewhere that the array type is given by basetype
plus underscore) - none of these seem to work.
I am using:
| cgitest=> select version();
| version
| --------------------------------------------------------------------
| PostgreSQL 7.0.2 on i586-pc-linux-gnulibc1, compiled by gcc 2.95.1
| (1 row)
I hope you can help me; thanks in advance -
Albert Reiner <>
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