yeah forgot another thing....
i want also to write a SQL trigger to parse incoming fields for
preprocessing before DB insertion....
in perl i would do a thing like that:
$format = "9999.999.999,99"; #took out of DB...
#inserting a number into the db....
$theval =~ s/\.//g;
if($theval =~/\S+,\d{2}/)
{ $theval =~ s/,//g; $theval *= 100;
#extracting a number from the db....
$f= $#format;
$i= $#theval;
$res = "";
{ if($format[$f] neq "9") { $res = $format[$f].$res $f--; }#if($format[$f] neq "9") $res = $theval[$i].$res ;
any chance i could this get out of the frontend into the DB? (as sayd
want to write more frontends so the less is in the frontend and the more
in the DB...)
ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing....