Thread: many-many mapping between unique tables

many-many mapping between unique tables

Indraneel Majumdar

I am facing a problem in mapping between two tables containing unique

T1        T2
_________    ________
|  x1    |    |  y1    |
|  x2    |    |  y2    |
|  x3    |    |  y3    |
---------    ---------

x(i) points to 1 or more entries in T2. y(i) points to one or more entries
in T1. How do I store this mapping? I'd cannot use an array due to size
restrictions and inability to extract data easily for furthur processing.

I don't want to put everything into a single table and repeat values in
the 2nd column since these are really huge tables and I cannot increase
overhead by increasing data redundancy.

Is there some way to do something about this?


# Indraneel Majumdar                  ¡  E-mail:  #
# Bioinformatics Unit (EMBNET node),  ¡  URL:  #
# Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics,                         #
# Hyderabad, India - 500076                                              #