I have a litle problem with sequences.
I use drop sequence in transaction, is this possible?
If yes, then i have done:
1. begin
2. get some data
3. drop sequence s_acc
4. create sequence s_acc...
5. rollback
And after this the database responds like this:
test=# \d s_acc Sequence "s_acc" Attribute | Type
---------------+---------sequence_name | namelast_value | integerincrement_by | integermax_value |
integermin_value | integercache_value | integeris_cycled | charis_called | char
test=# select * from s_acc;
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
ERROR: cannot open relation s_acc
test=# select last_value from s_acc;
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
NOTICE: mdopen: couldn't open s_acc: No such file or directory
ERROR: cannot open relation s_acc
I realy don't know what means this?
Thank's for help...
Best regards Ice Planet
e-mail: ice@adiemus.sk
ICQ#: 67765483