Thread: CREATE FUNCTION- Table as argument

CREATE FUNCTION- Table as argument

I am running PostgreSQL 6.5.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc egcs-2.91.66.

I have currently a table like the following:
R|    4|     8
S|    6|    10

I want the output a table with start incremented by 1, and fininsh as the maximum of fininish in all records.

Quite sensibliy, my attemp to use a SQL statement like 'SELECT a,start+1,max(finish) from taba' failed with "ERROR:
Illegaluse of aggregates or non-group column in target list".

Hence, I tried to create a function that would return the maximum fininsh attribute in a table.  Hence,
CREATE function findMax() RETURNS int4 
AS 'SELECT max(finish) from taba;' 
and then
SELECT a, start+1,findMax() from taba;
does work, 
but the problem is, I need a generic function that would find the maximum finish attribute not just for a unique
Hence I tried the following:

CREATE function findMax(varchar) RETURNS int4 
AS 'SELECT max(finish) from $1;' 

However, this results in "ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "$1"";

I have tried to substitute varchar with TEXT and NAME, but still the same error persists.  Changing $1 to \$1 does not

I have even tried alias using:
CREATE FUNCTION findMax(varchar) RETURNS int4 AS
tabName   ALIAS FOR $1;
SELECT max(finish) from tabName;
' LANGUAGE 'sql';
this results in "ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "alias""

Does anyone know how I could take in a table name as argument to a SQL function?

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