Thread: Recursive SQL

Recursive SQL

"Andy Turk"
I was reading Graeme Birchall's SQL Cookbook at
and came across an *amazing* technique called recursive SQL.

It's a way to traverse tree-like structures with a single SQL statement. 
Bizarre stuff--I didn't think this was possible.

Anyway, the technique depends upon being able to create a temporary table 
where some of the rows are SELECTed from that very table during its 
creation. Essentially, you fill the table with some starting conditions and 
then use a UNION ALL to keep adding in the new data after each recursive 
pass. Take a look at page 140 in Graeme's book for more info.

I tried this in Postgresql without success. I get syntax errors trying to 
create the temporary table. Here's some code derived from Graeme's cookbook:

create table hierarchy (
pkey char(3) not null,
ckey char(3) not null,
num int4,
primary key(pkey, ckey));

copy hierarchy from stdin;
AAA    BBB    1
AAA    CCC    5
AAA    DDD    20
CCC    EEE    33
DDD    EEE    44
DDD    FFF    5
FFF    GGG    5

Here's my attempt to write recursive SQL code to find the children of 'AAA':

create temporary table parent (pkey, ckey) as
select pkey, ckey from hierarchy where pkey = 'AAA'
union all
select c.pkey, c.ckey from hierarchy c, parent p where p.ckey = c.ckey;

select pkey, ckey from parent;

It appears that Postgresql doesn't like a union inside the create statement. 
Beyond that, I'm wondering if this technique would even work in Postgresql 
if it wasn't designed to handle recursive SQL.

Any thoughts?

Andy Turk

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Re: Recursive SQL

Tom Lane
"Andy Turk" <> writes:
> I was reading Graeme Birchall's SQL Cookbook at 
> and came across an *amazing* technique called recursive SQL.

Interesting, but I think Birchall has confused some very peculiar 
(and incorrect) implementation-specific behavior of DB2 with SQL.
This is not SQL.

Leaving aside a minor quibble about whether the WITH syntax he shows
is valid (it's surely not SQL92, although it might be SQL3 if SQL3 ever
becomes a standard), the really fundamental problem is that you cannot
have a SELECT query that inspects its own output.  He claims that in
SELECT foo UNION SELECT bar, the "bar" select will somehow see the
output of the "foo" select --- and not only that, but will be
recursively invoked to see its *own* outputs.  I do not believe that
any such interpretation can be extracted from the SQL standard.
If SQL worked that way, then simple commands likeUPDATE foo SET x = 42 WHERE y = 44
would be infinite loops, because they'd see the new tuples produced
by their own action and try to update those, leading to more new
tuples, etc etc.

He's built a large intellectual edifice on a DB2 bug.
        regards, tom lane

RE: Recursive SQL

"Michael S. Kelly"
I have not looked closely at Graeme Birchall's DB2 SQL Cookbook, but Joe
Celko has a good section in "SQL for Smarties" on representing trees in
relational databases and traversing those trees using standard SQL.  He also
discusses some of the extensions various vendors have added to make
traversing trees (w/o temporary tables) simpler.


*  Michael S. Kelly
*  4800 SW Griffith Dr., Ste. 202
*  Beaverton, OR  97005 USA
*  voice: (503)644-6106 x122  fax: (503)643-8425
*  <>
*    Axian:  Software Consulting and Training

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: Recursive SQL

"Andy Turk" <> writes:
> I was reading Graeme Birchall's SQL Cookbook at
> and came across an *amazing* technique called recursive SQL.

Interesting, but I think Birchall has confused some very peculiar
(and incorrect) implementation-specific behavior of DB2 with SQL.
This is not SQL.

Leaving aside a minor quibble about whether the WITH syntax he shows
is valid (it's surely not SQL92, although it might be SQL3 if SQL3 ever
becomes a standard), the really fundamental problem is that you cannot
have a SELECT query that inspects its own output.  He claims that in
SELECT foo UNION SELECT bar, the "bar" select will somehow see the
output of the "foo" select --- and not only that, but will be
recursively invoked to see its *own* outputs.  I do not believe that
any such interpretation can be extracted from the SQL standard.
If SQL worked that way, then simple commands likeUPDATE foo SET x = 42 WHERE y = 44
would be infinite loops, because they'd see the new tuples produced
by their own action and try to update those, leading to more new
tuples, etc etc.

He's built a large intellectual edifice on a DB2 bug.
        regards, tom lane