Thread: null and integer field

null and integer field

"Hamid Khoshnevis"
The content of an integer field when unassigned appears to be different from
pushing a null into that field.   Can someone please explain the difference
and show me how to push an 'unassigned' into that integer field.

I am using:
update table foo set integer_field=null where blah blah;



Re: [SQL] null and integer field

Tom Lane
"Hamid Khoshnevis" <> writes:
> The content of an integer field when unassigned appears to be different from
> pushing a null into that field.   Can someone please explain the difference
> and show me how to push an 'unassigned' into that integer field.

There is no such concept as 'unassigned' in SQL; whatever you are
observing, it's not that.  An integer field should indeed be NULL
if it hasn't got a default and you didn't provide a value when you
inserted the tuple.

Can you provide more details about the problem you're having?
        regards, tom lane