Thread: auto datetime update on UPDATE?
Hi, i have set up a table, where two fields (creation_dt and modification_dt) always get the actual date/time by default when doing an INSERT. my question is, how is it possible to let the field modification_dt change when doing an UPDATE? Is there a way to solve it in SQL? (actually i found something in the mailing list archive, where the sender solves the problem by creating a trigger and a C function, but i would really apppreciate if there was a solution in SQL only. anyway, that solution is at http://www.PostgreSQL.ORG/mhonarc/pgsql-sql/1998-06/msg00056.html ) Zsolt Tulassay ps i'm not on the mailing list so please send a copy to my address as well. thanks
Tulassay Zsolt <> writes: > Hi, > > i have set up a table, where two fields (creation_dt and modification_dt) > always get the actual date/time by default when doing an INSERT. > my question is, how is it possible to let the field modification_dt > change when doing an UPDATE? > Is there a way to solve it in SQL? To do this I use a trigger in plpgsql : create function liens_maj_fun () returns opaque as ' begin new.liens_maj := ''now''; return new; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger liens_maj_trig before update or insert on liens for each row execute procedure liens_maj_fun(); Since it uses plpgsql don't forget to add it when you create your base: CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler() RETURNS opaque AS '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE TRUSTED PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler LANCOMPILER 'PL/pgSQL'; -- Le cinéma en Lumière : Vote en cours pour la création du forum fr.rec.arts.sf.starwars pour en savoir plus : <>
This is wat I have done to solve the problem. UPDATE table SET modification_dt = datetime('now'::abstime); You can update any other field at the same time. This enters the date-time stamp into the filed. And you can use this format for INSET INTO also. I hope this helps. Darrin Crook McDonald Observatory wk: 915-426-4167 The University of Texas at Austin hm: 915-426-3652 On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Tulassay Zsolt wrote: > i have set up a table, where two fields (creation_dt and modification_dt) > always get the actual date/time by default when doing an INSERT. > my question is, how is it possible to let the field modification_dt > change when doing an UPDATE? > Is there a way to solve it in SQL?