Thread: Re: [SQL] Week of year function?

Re: [SQL] Week of year function?

Kyle Bateman
> At 21:52 +0200 on 22/10/1999, Zot O'Connor wrote:
> > Is there a function to return the week of the year (0-51)?

I use pltcl and the following function:

-- Convert date in 1999-01-15 format to the month of the year (1999,35)
-- calling sequence: date_week(ISO_date)
drop function date_week(text);
create function date_week(text) returns text as '
        set spl [split $1 {-/. }]
        set year [lindex $spl 0]
        set month [string trimleft [lindex $spl 1] 0]
        set day [lindex $spl 2]
        if {$month > 0 && $month <= 31} {
            set secs [clock scan "$month/$day/$year"]
        } else {
            set secs [clock scan "$month $day, $year"]
        set week [clock format $secs -format "%U"]
        if {$week < 1} {
            return "[expr $year - 1]-52"
        return "$year-$week"
        ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';

This has some extra stuff in it you don't need, but might demonstrate
the point.
