> CREATE TRIGGER name { BEFORE | AFTER } { event [OR
> ...] } ON table FOR EACH { ROW | STATEMENT }
> EEXECUTE PROCEDURE ( arguments )
> you should apparently create a procedure/function much of the same
> as with:
> CREATE FUNCTION name ( [ ftype [, ...] ] ) RETURNS rtype
> AS definition LANGUAGE 'langname'
> BEGIN/END I think would be restricted to transactions. And therefore
> would be considered reserved words?
> Just my idea. Haven't used triggers in Pg yet myself. You might see
> under contributed things / refint (referential integrity) package
> somewhere, there should be lots of triggers I assume.
> Emils Klotins e-mail: emils@mail.usis.bkc.lv
> Systems Manager URL: http://www.usis.bkc.lv/
> USIS Riga 7 Smilsu Str., Riga LV1050, LATVIA
OK, but if I execute an SQL query (insertion), there is no return type for the
creation of the function.
Is it possible to create a procedure?
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