
Wayne Piekarski
> From: Yann-Ju Chu <>
> Subject: about stuck spinlock of postgresq-l6.4.2
> I have checked the postgresql mail list about the stuck spinlock.
> I have found one about the related discusion and there is one line for
> stuck spinlock error as
> " The above errors are a normal 6.4.2 with no patches - I am not running
> Tom's patch yet"
> I have tried to find the patch to avoid stuck spinlock and not success.
> Could anybody please tell me where to get the patch abou the stuck spinlock?


I installed the patch you mentioned to fix the spinlock problems but I
found that even still we had problems with backends locking up and sitting
idle waiting for nothing, and other related problems.

I highly recommend you upgrade to 6.5 because it has fixed a lot of these
problems for us. See my next post to hackers/sql for more information.


Wayne Piekarski                               Tel:     (08) 8221 5221
Research & Development Manager                Fax:     (08) 8221 5220
SE Network Access Pty Ltd                     Mob:     0407 395 889
222 Grote Street                              Email:
Adelaide SA 5000                              WWW: