Thread: concatenation varchar and float

concatenation varchar and float

Hi all,

Does anyone known fi it's possible to make a concatenation of varchar
and float.
I try the request bellow and I don't known how to correct.
seed=> select ((('"' || station) || ('" "' || begining)) || ('" "' ||
ending)) || ('" "' || latitude)  from station;
ERROR:  There is more than one possible operator '||' for types
'unknown' and 'float8'       You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast
seed=> select ((('"' || station) || ('" "' || begining)) || ('" "' ||
ending)) || ('" "'::text || latitude)  from station;
ERROR:  There is more than one possible operator '||' for types 'text'
and 'float8'       You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast
seed=> select ((('"' || station) || ('" "' || begining)) || ('" "' ||
ending)) || ('" "'::text || latitude::float8) from station;
ERROR:  There is more than one possible operator '||' for types 'text'
and 'float8'       You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast
seed=> \d station

Table    = station

|              Field               |              Type                |

| network                          | varchar() not null
|     2 |
| station                          | varchar() not null
|     5 |
| begining                         | datetime not null
|     8 |
| ending                           | datetime
|     8 |
| modified                         | datetime
|     8 |
| latitude                         | float8
|     8 |
| lat_prec                         | int4
|     4 |
| longitude                        | float8
|     8 |
| long_prec                        | int4
|     4 |
| coord_type                       | int4
|     4 |
| coord_map                        | varchar()
|   100 |
| elevation                        | float8
|     8 |

I work with postgres 6.4.2

Basier Eric  e-mail :
IPGP Observatoires Sismologie-Volcanologie
4,Place Jussieu 75005 Paris Tour 24-14 4eme Etage Tel 01 44 27 38 96