Thread: using like

using like

JT Kirkpatrick
ok, sorry for conjestion, but i figured it out:  select autoinv, company 
from table1 where company like '%Alice%'; -- that works in psql.  but how 
do i substitute "Alice" with a variable name??

i'm trying to query my database (6.4.2 through odbc ms access) to find all 
records matching a "like" statement.  from psql i am trying this -- select 
autoinv, company from table1 where company like 'Alice'; -- but it doesn't 
work!  i could run whatever works in psql as a passthrough query in 
access97, if i could get it to work in psql!  i'd expect the query to pull 
values of company that = "Alice w." "Alice Higgins" "Alicexxxxxxx" 
"", and you get the idea.

TIA for any help!  jt


Re: [SQL] using like

"Brett W. McCoy"
On Tue, 25 May 1999, JT Kirkpatrick wrote:

> ok, sorry for conjestion, but i figured it out:  select autoinv, company 
> from table1 where company like '%Alice%'; -- that works in psql.  but how 
> do i substitute "Alice" with a variable name??

A variable name where?  In AccessBasic?

Brett W. McCoy                                         
Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid all together.