Thread: RE: [SQL] User and Groups

RE: [SQL] User and Groups

Michael J Davis
I have posted a bug report to the developers on this issue.  I feel it is a
bug (or oversight) in create user.
-----Original Message-----From:    Greg Frith []Sent:    Wednesday, May 05, 1999 5:17
PMTo:   Michael J DavisCc:    pgsql-sql@postgreSQL.orgSubject:    Re: [SQL] User and Groups
Hi Michael, thanks for your help.  Just after I posted the message I
used thismanual insert method as a quick fix, its obviously the right way!!
So what isthe point of the IN GROUP directive or ADD USER?  Does this actually
Michael J Davis wrote:
> For each group in pg_group you need to do the following:>> UPDATE pg_group set grolist = '{501,514,502,503,504}'
grosysid = 1;>> Where 501 - 504 is a list of pg_user.usesysid that should belong
to the> group.>> This really needs to be added to the documentation and "create
user" needs> to be fixed to automatically do this.>>         -----Original Message----->         From:   Greg Frith
[]>        Sent:   Wednesday, May 05, 1999 8:35 AM>         To:>        Subject:        [SQL] User and Groups>>         Hi, I'm having some problems trying to
getmy head around
how users> and groups>         work.>>         I have 2 groups of users: client & consultants.  I create
these> groups as>         follows:->>         /* Group : create group consultants */>         INSERT INTO pg_group
VALUES('consultants', '100');>         INSERT INTO pg_group VALUES ('clients', '200');>>         I then create some
tablesand set the permissions on these
tables as> follows:->>         REVOKE ALL ON clients, clientaddr, consultants,
consultantaddr,>              systemconstants, clients_consultants, tasks,
client_extras,>              timesheet, schedule, invoice, invoice_items,>              pg_user, pg_shadow>
FROMGROUP clients;>>         GRANT ALL ON clients, clientaddr, consultants,
consultantaddr,>              systemconstants, clients_consultants, tasks,
client_extras,>              timesheet, schedule, invoice, invoice_items>         TO GROUP consultants;>>         Now I
createa user:->>         testdb=> CREATE USER paul IN GROUP consultants;>         CREATE USER>>         I login as this
userand try a select on a table that
should have> permissions>         set:->>         testdb=> select * from consultants;>         NOTICE:  in_group: group
100not found>         ERROR:  consultants: Permission denied.>>         I can't understand this - should I insert the
userid of
each> consultant user>         into grolist of pg_group where groname = consultants?>>         TOA>>            -->>
    --------------------------->         Greg Frith - University Of Leeds : School of Computer