Thread: User and Groups

User and Groups

Greg Frith
Hi, I'm having some problems trying to get my head around how users and groups

I have 2 groups of users: client & consultants.  I create these groups as

/* Group : create group consultants */
INSERT INTO pg_group VALUES ('consultants', '100');
INSERT INTO pg_group VALUES ('clients', '200');

I then create some tables and set the permissions on these tables as follows:-

REVOKE ALL ON clients, clientaddr, consultants, consultantaddr,    systemconstants, clients_consultants, tasks,
client_extras,   timesheet, schedule, invoice, invoice_items,    pg_user, pg_shadow
FROM GROUP clients;

GRANT ALL ON clients, clientaddr, consultants, consultantaddr,    systemconstants, clients_consultants, tasks,
client_extras,   timesheet, schedule, invoice, invoice_items
TO GROUP consultants;

Now I create a user:-

testdb=> CREATE USER paul IN GROUP consultants;

I login as this user and try a select on a table that should have permissions

testdb=> select * from consultants;
NOTICE:  in_group: group 100 not found
ERROR:  consultants: Permission denied.

I can't understand this - should I insert the user id of each consultant user
into grolist of pg_group where groname = consultants?


Greg Frith - University Of Leeds : School of Computer Studies