Thread: Re: [INTERFACES] Some needed features in postgresql

Re: [INTERFACES] Some needed features in postgresql

Peter Garner
> The standard-approved spelling is "EXCEPT", and

Thanks, Tom! :-)

> > 2.  Is there any work being done on the fact that
> > transactions are aborted when an error occurs?  It

> I've griped about that myself in the past, but it's
> not real clear how else it ought to work.  Maybe you
> should be using smaller transactions ;-)

Hehehe, 20,000 was just a number for illustrative
purposes.  They I would like to see it work would be
that errors simply have no effect on the transaction
state.  (I am not sure what, if anything, the standard
states should happen in this case.)  If I remember
correctly (it has been a while) DB2 can be setup to
work so that when an error occurs, it has no effect on
the current unit of work.  Anyway, thanks Tom!


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