Thread: RE: [SQL] time intervals

RE: [SQL] time intervals

JT Kirkpatrick
george -- thanks!  that worked fine!  i was able to substitute my fields 
"timeout" and "timein" for the times you showed in quotes, and add a 
"where" condition to the select statement to choose a particular record. now i have to find a way to present it in
access97,in a regular time 
format (1:35 - for 1hr 35mins) -- that or get rid of the "ago" which should 
be pretty easy!

thanks so much for your help!


-----Original Message-----
From:    George Moga []
Sent:    Friday, April 30, 1999 5:53 AM
To:    JT Kirkpatrick; SQL PostgreSQL
Subject:    Re: [SQL] time intervals
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