Thread: Re: [SQL] Max Length of SQL

Re: [SQL] Max Length of SQL

"Tim Perdue, The Des Moines"
I've written a Java program that runs every so often (by Cron), then grabs
the email, slices and dices it and drops it into PGSQL.

It's pretty cool.

I'm not sure I understand BLOBS - are they indexable (ie fast searches) and
are they stored inside the table?

Is the example you gave appropriate for storing text? (looks like graphics?)


-----Original Message-----
From: Fabrice Scemama <>
To: Tim Perdue, The Des Moines <>
Date: Thursday, January 21, 1999 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: [SQL] Max Length of SQL

>"Tim Perdue, The Des Moines" wrote:
>> I'm started to run into a situation where my SQL statements are too long
>> (I'm archiving a mailing list into a Postgres table).
>> What is the max length of a Text field in PostgreSQL? Suggestions for
>> working around this besides large objects?
>> Tim
>The maximal lenght is 8192 cars.
>You might need BLOBs instead. Here's an example :
>     create table image (name text, raster oid);
>       insert into image (name, raster) values ('fichier', \
>          lo_import('/etc/motd'));
>       select lo_export(image.raster, '/tmp/motd') from image \
>          where name = 'fichier';
>Hope it helps.
>BTW, using Pg to store Mailing lists emais seems interesting.
>Do you have a daemon that gets the mails, then parse them and
>populate the DB with them ?...