Thread: binary search

binary search

"Vladimir Dobrokhotov"
I didn't find in documentation how to do binary search.
I want to find records where (int2_field AND 8)=TRUE (8).
Is this possible? Can I use index?

Thank a lot.
Vladimir Dobrokhotov

Re: [SQL] binary search

Herouth Maoz
At 9:14 +0200 on 14/12/98, Vladimir Dobrokhotov wrote:

> I didn't find in documentation how to do binary search.
> I want to find records where (int2_field AND 8)=TRUE (8).
> Is this possible? Can I use index?

This is not binary search. Binary search is a search method in which you
eliminate half your search domain in each iteration.

If I am reading you right, you want to be able to perform bit-wise
operators. such as bitwise or (like in C: num1 | num2), bitwise and (num1 &
num2), bitwise not and shifts (num1 >> 3, num1 << 8).

I think such operators don't exist in the core PostgreSQL package, though
you may well design them yourself in C.


Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project