Thread: Cursors in Functions

Cursors in Functions

Dirk Elmendorf
Is there any way to use cursors inside of functions?
I keep trying
CREATE FUNCTION first_purchased_product(int4)
returns text
as 'BEGIN; DECLARE mycursor cursor for SELECT true from product_order_table where customer
_number= $1 order by sec_last_mod ASC ;fetch 1 in mycursor; END;'

But it won't let me- I need to get 1 product purchased....Anyone know the best way to acco
mplish this?
Dirk Elmendorf, VP/Development           Main: 210-892-4000
Cymitar Technology Group, Inc.         Direct: 210-892-4005
Lorene Office Plaza                       Fax: 210-892-4329
9828 Lorene Lane                   <>
San Antonio, TX 78216-4450           <>