Thread: Re: [SQL] Finding strings inside a field...

Re: [SQL] Finding strings inside a field...

"Sejin Oh"
create sequence table. and use nextval('sequence_name') when inserting.

create sequence autocounter;
create table customer (customerid int4 not null, name varchar(50) );
insert into customer values(nextval('autocounter),'Ronaldo');


create sequence autocounter;
create table customer (customerid int4 DEFAULT nextval('autocounter') not
null, name varchar(50) );
when you INSERT, just ignore customerid field.

ps: man create_sequence

hope this helped.

-----원본 메시지-----
보낸 사람: 박미룡 <>
받는 사람: <>
날짜: Tuesday, July 14, 1998 9:48 PM
제목: Re: [SQL] Finding strings inside a field...

>How can i make the field auto incremental ?
>It is in the mysql, but That's not in pgsql.
>How can I ?
>Please give me a info.
>Thank you