Thread: configure doesn't complain and halt when flex in not available

configure doesn't complain and halt when flex in not available

"Dimuthu Gamage"
I was compiling PosgreSQL on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper. It was really easy to
build  the system for newbie like me.

The little problem i found was In the Make it complain that 'flex' is
not available. I thought it should be  complained from configure.


Re: configure doesn't complain and halt when flex in not available

Tom Lane
"Dimuthu Gamage" <> writes:
> I was compiling PosgreSQL on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper. It was really easy to
> build  the system for newbie like me.
> The little problem i found was In the Make it complain that 'flex' is
> not available. I thought it should be  complained from configure.

That's intentional --- you normally don't need flex to build from a
Postgres distribution tarball.

            regards, tom lane