Thread: portable binary/pkg building on OSX ...

portable binary/pkg building on OSX ...

hi all,

i've been happily building runing ver's of pgsql (current 81b2) on my OSX
10.4.2 on G4 boxes.

to date, always linked/built to my /usr/local dev tree of libs, headers, etc.

now, i'd like to build once, pkg and deploy to other boxes.  admittedly,
dylibs/libtool/etc which have been standard fare in my per-box builds, now have
me a mite concerned/confused.

soooo, a couple of Q's b4 i begin appropriate 'thrashing':

(1) to build STATIC pgsql* binaries, with NO external lib dependencies, is
'--disable-rpath' necessary/sufficient?
iiuc '--disable-shared' simply defines whether/not the dylibs are built, but is
irrelevant to the bins ...

(2) i've not (yet) tried static bins on different OSX ver deployment targets
(10.4.x, 10.3.x, etc.) and/or different CPUs (G3/G4/G5).

how portable *are* built pgsql bins?  cross-compile across
platforms/cpu-families/OS's is clear, but do i need to worry abt it for OSX
ver/cpu variants?

