Thread: Fwd: ANALYSE on Solaris 8 bug

Fwd: ANALYSE on Solaris 8 bug

"Patrick Vachon"

For those who had similar problem than me, release 7.3.4 fix my problem.

>From: "Patrick Vachon" <>
>Subject: [PORTS] ANALYSE on Solaris 8 bug
>Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 15:24:48 +0000
>Patrick Vachon
>kaleidelf AT
>SPARC Sun Blade 100
>Solaris 8
>gcc 2.95.3
>compiled with readline and fuzzystrmatch without error.
>After doing an ANALYSE command, any equality comparison between two string
>fields from different table failed and make the server restart.
>The PostgreSQL server complains about a shared memory error and panics.
>The database was exported from 7.2.1 using a custom format dump, and
>restored into 7.3.3.
>It is always reproducible anytime after the database was restored using:
>mydb=# analyse;
>mydb=# select * from tableA join tableB using (pkeyIntID) where
>tableA.varcharField = tableB.varcharField;
>-> connection dropped, server restarted
>-> #! prompt appears
>There is an unique btree index on (pkeyIntID, varcharField) defined on both
>I tried to rebuild database indexes, vacuum full, vacuum analyse, in many
>combinaisons, it changed nothing, the bug was still there.
>So, anybody has a clue?
>If you need more information, just let me know.
>Thanks a lot,

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