Thread: Re: Who should I sent this to:

Re: Who should I sent this to:

Bruce Momjian
Forwarding to ports list.  Can someone comment?

> Bruce,
> I recently asked (in pg-sql, because I did not know where to ask) for
> help with a problem 'making' pg on mac osx. I have finally tracked the
> problem down and have the appropriate information. It appears to be
> important to running on Mac OSX.
> Who can (should) I send it to? I am still trying to get pg to run under
> OSX 10.1.
> Ted
> -------------------------
> Mac OS X Developer Release Notes:
> Two-Level Namespace Executables
> ?     The Problem (and the Solution)
> ?     Using Two-Level Namespace Executables On Mac OS X 10.0
> ?     Running Your Application as a Flat Namespace Executable
> ?     Troubleshooting Two-Level Namespace Builds
> ?     Building Your Application With PlugIns and Bundles
> ?     New Dynamic Linking Functions for Use With Two-Level Namespace
> Executables
> ?     NSAddImage
> ?     NSLookupSymbolInImage
> ?     NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage
> The Problem (and the Solution)
> The shared library implementation shipped with Mac OS X 10.0 is a
> robust, featureful implementation, with one small problem.
> When an executable file is loaded into a program, the dynamic linker
> (the part of the system responsible for loading code on demand)
> attempts to find all of the unresolved symbols (functions in other
> executable files). In order to do this, it needs to know which libraries
> contain those symbols. So when the program is built, you must
> specify the libraries that contain those functions to the static linker
> (the part of the build system responsible for linking object files
> together). The static linker places the names of those libraries into
> your program's executable file.
> The problem is that the static linker in Mac OS X 10.0 records only
> the names of the libraries, but not which functions are to be found in
> each of libraries. Therefore, it's not possible to load two libraries
> containing a definition of the same symbol name, because it's not
> possible to determine which library you really wanted the symbol
> from.
> For example, two libraries might both implement a "log" function.
> One of the libraries might be a math library, and the other might be a
> library for logging messages to the system console. If your program
> calls the math library "log," there is no way to guarantee that you are
> not calling the system console "log".
> This isn't usually a problem on Mac OS X 10.0, because the build
> system will give you a multiple-defined-symbols error message
> when you attempt to build your application using libraries that
> contain a symbol with the same name. But consider the following
> situations.
> ?     Future versions of the system may export symbols which conflict
> with those implemented in your application. This will prevent users
> from being able to use your application.
> ?     If your application supports third-party plugins or bundles, libraries
> used by your third-party developers may conflict with each other.
> To solve this problem, the Mac OS X 10.1 runtime environment
> supports a new feature that records the names of symbols expected
> to be found in a library along with the library name. An executable file
> built with this feature enabled is called a two-level namespace
> executable. An executable file without this feature is called a flat
> namespace executable.
> When your program links to a symbol defined in a subframework of
> an umbrella framework, the linker records the name of the umbrella
> framework as the parent library for the symbol. At runtime, the linker
> searches the umbrella framework, including all of the
> subframeworks it contains, to find the symbol.
> For example, if your program references the function MoveWindow,
> which is implemented in the HIToolbox subframework of the
> "Carbon" umbrella framework, "Carbon" will be recorded as the
> library name. Consequentially, if a later release of the Carbon
> umbrella framework moves the MoveWindow function to a new or
> different subframework (for example, a WindowManager framework),
> your program will continue to function.
> Using Two-Level Namespace Executables On Mac OS X 10.0
> The static linker enables the two-level namepace option
> (-twolevel_namespace) by default in Mac OS X 10.1. Two-level
> namespace executables are compatible with Mac OS X 10.0, where
> the linker will treat them as flat namespace executables (although
> your program may unexpectedly quit with a "multiple defined
> symbols" error if the resulting flat namespace contains multiple
> symbols with the same name).
> However, applications that you build as two-level namespace
> executables will cause versions of the update_prebinding tool up to
> and including the version installed with Mac OS X 10.0.4 to crash.
> update_prebinding is used by the Mac OS X installer to redo the
> prebinding optimization (see the Prebinding release note for more
> information). If the prebinding tool crashes, the installer will
> complete the installation, but the resulting system won't be fully
> prebound. To work around this problem, you have two options:
> ?     You can use the -flat_namespace linker option to force the linker to
> build flat namespace executables. In Project Builder, add
> -flat_namespace to the OTHER_LDFLAGS Build Setting.
> ?     Only system updates from Apple should cause update_prebinding
> to run. You can require Mac OS X 10.0.4, on the assumption that all
> prebinding has been completed with the final Mac OS X 10.0 system
> update. Note, however, that some third-party developers ship tools
> that do cause update_prebinding to run. Also, if Apple releases
> another 10.0 system update, which is unlikely but possible, this
> strategy may not work.
> Running Your Application as a Flat Namespace Executable
> If you want to test your two-level namespace as a flat namespace
> image on Mac OS X 10.1, set the
> DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE environment variable to launch
> your program as a flat namespace executable.
> Note that when you do this, your program may terminate with a
> "multiple defined symbols" error if the resulting flat namespace
> contains multiple symbols with the same name.
> Troubleshooting Two-Level Namespace Builds
> Some existing projects will not link without modification, for the
> following reasons:
> ?     There can be no unresolved, undefined references in two-level
> namespace executables. Using the -undefined suppress option will
> cause this error:
> /usr/bin/ld: -undefined error must be used when
> -twolevel_namespace is in effect
> If you recieve this error message, you need to remove the -undefined
> suppress option and make sure you specify the path to the program
> you are linking against with the option -bundle_loader
> pathnameToYourProgram. If you are linking against a framework,
> this path is already specified using the -framework option, so you
> just need to remove the -undefined suppress option. (To be really
> paranoid, specify the -undefined error option). See the next section
> for more information.
> ?     When building a two-level namespace executable, you must link
> against all shared libraries containing the symbols you reference. If
> your program is currently a flat namespace executable, this may
> cause problems. When you build a flat namespace executable, the
> dynamic linker will search all libraries for the program's undefined
> symbols, even libraries that your code did not explicitly link against.
> For example, your application might link against
> ApplicationServices.framework, but not CoreFoundation.framework.
> Because ApplicationServices.framework links to
> CoreFoundation.framework, you can, as a flat namespace
> executable, use routines exported by CoreFoundation.framework. If
> you build the program as a two-level namespace executable, using
> routines exported by CoreFoundation.framework will result in
> undefined-symbol errors, so you must explicitly add
> CoreFoundation.framework to the list of libraries you link.
> If you use a symbol from a library that you are not explicitly linking
> against, you will get a single error message for each such library of
> the form:
> ld: object_file illegal reference to symbol: symbol
> defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library: library
> If you see this error message, you must add the library library to your
> link command.
> If library is a sub-framework of an umbrella (for example,
> HIToolbox.framework is a subframework of Carbon.framework), you
> will need to add the umbrella framework to your link objects (in
> Project Builder, just drag the framework into your project). Once you
> explicitly link against an umbrella framework, you may freely use all
> of the symbols it contains without referencing any sub-frameworks.
> Building Your Application With PlugIns and Bundles
> If your project includes bundles that must be resolved against
> symbols in the program that loads them, do not use the linker option
> -undefined suppress when building your bundles. Instead, use
> -undefined error and make sure you specify the path to the program
> you are linking against with the option -bundle_loader
> pathnameToYourProgramOrFramework. For Project Builder
> projects, add these arguments to the the OTHER_LDFLAGS build
> setting of the bundle's target (in the expert settings table of the Build
> Settings tab).
> Using the -bundle_loader option instead of -undefined suppress will
> cause an ordering problem if the bundles are located inside your
> application's bundle. For the application to copy the bundles to itself
> with a Copy Files build phase, the bundles must be built first.
> However, to properly link against the app and get their symbols
> resolved the bundles must build after the application.
> One solution for an application that loads plug-ins or other bundles
> is to provide your plug-in API implementation in a framework that
> bundles can link against. Your application will also link to that
> framework. For example, Interface Builder exposes an API for people
> who wish to write new palettes of objects. There is an
> InterfaceBuilder.framework that implements the functionality of the
> API. The Interface Builder application itself calls routines in this
> framework, and so do plug-in-palettes. This organization provides
> several benefits:
> ?     It solves ordering issues and does not force plug-ins to link
> against your application's executable file.
> ?     It provides good separation between routines available for plugins
> to use and routines that are internal to the app.
> ?     It gives you a good place to package the plug-in shared library and
> all the headers and doc and so forth that developers will need to
> develop plug-ins. This makes it more convenient for your
> developers.
> Alternately, you can use a second application target called "Foo
> Wrapper" to fix the dependency problem:
> 1.    Set the application name of the new target to the same name as
> the real application target ("Foo", in this example).
> 2.    Set the original application target to not install itself.
> 3.    Set the wrapper target to install itself.
> 4.    Add a Copy Files phase to the wrapper target and remove all the
> other build phases.
> 5.    Set up the Copy Files phase the same way as it was in the
> original app target.
> 6.    Make the wrapper target depend on the app target and on all the
> bundle targets.
> 7.    Make things that used to depend on the app target depend on the
> wrapper target instead.
> 8.    If the app target was the first target in your target list, make the
> wrapper target first.
> 9.    Finally, because the installation is now being performed by the
> Foo Wrapper target, but the actual application is being built by the
> Foo target, when the install happens, Project Builder will not remove
> debugging symbols from the application executable file. To fix this
> problem, add a shell script build phase to the Foo Wrapper target
> that is set to run only for install builds and that contains the
> following
> script:
> strip -S
> ents/MacOS/$ {PRODUCT_NAME}
> New Dynamic Linking Functions for Use With Two-Level
> Namespace Executables
> The runtime symbol lookup routines released in Mac OS X 10.0
> (located in the header <mach-o/dyld.h> and listed below) perform
> lookups in the flat, global symbol namespace, and thus, when you
> use them to find symbols in your plugins, may not return the
> intended symbols in for two-level namespace applications.
> The "hint" provided to NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint is a
> performance "hint" for the flat namespace lookup, and is thus not
> used as the first level name for a two-level namespace lookup. To
> perform a lookup within a two-level namespace executable, use the
> function NSLookupSymbolInImage, as documented below.
> Applications built as two-level namespace executables should
> instead use the following new routines.
> ?     NSAddImage
> ?     NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage
> ?     NSLookupSymbolInImage
> NSAddImage
> const struct mach_header *
> NSAddImage(
>     char *image_name,
>     unsigned long options);
> #define NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_NONE                  0x0
> NSAddImage loads the shared library specified by image_name into
> the current process, returning a pointer to the mach_header data
> structure of the loaded image. Any libraries that the specified library
> depends on are also loaded.
> If the shared library specified by image_name is already loaded, the
> mach_header already loaded is returned.
> The image_name parameter is a pointer to a C string containing the
> pathname to the shared library on disk. For best performance,
> specify the full pathname of the shared library?do not specify a
> symlink.
> The options parameter is a bit mask. Valid options are:
> No options.
> If an error occurs and you have specified this option, NSAddImage
> returns NULL. You can then use the function NSLinkEditError to
> retrieve information about the error.
> If an error occurs, and you have not specified this option,
> NSAddImage will call the linkEdit error handler you have installed
> using the NSInstallLinkEditErrorHandlers function. If you have not
> installed a linkEdit error handler, NSAddImage prints an error to
> stderr and calls the exit function to end the program.
> With this option the image_name passed for the library and all its
> dependents will be effected by the various DYLD environment
> variables as if this library were linked into the program.
> With this option, NSAddImage will not load a shared library that has
> not already been loaded. If the specified image_name is already
> loaded, NSAddImage will return its mach_header.
> The linkEdit error handler is documented in the NSModule(3) man
> page.
> NSLookupSymbolInImage
> extern NSSymbol
> NSLookupSymbolInImage(
>     const struct mach_header *image,
>     const char *symbolName
>     unsigned long options);
> 0x1
> 0x2
> #define
> NSLookupSymbolInImage returns the specified symbol (as an
> NSSymbol) from the specified image.
> Error handling for NSLookupSymbolInImage is similar to error
> handling for NSAddImage.
> The image parameter is a pointer to a mach_header data structure.
> You can get this pointer from a shared library by calling
> NSAddImage.
> The symbolName parameter is a C string specifying the name of the
> symbol to retrieve.
> The options parameter is a bit mask. The following options are valid:
> Bind the non-lazy symbols of the module in the image that defines
> the symbolName and let all lazy symbols in the module be bound on
> first call.
> This should be used in the case where you expect the module to
> bind without errors (for example, a library supplied with the system).
> If, later, you call a lazy symbol, and the lazy symbol fails to bind, the
> runtime will call the linkEdit handler you have installed using the
> NSInstallLinkEditErrorHandlers function. If there is no linkEdit
> handler installed, the runtime will print a message to stderr and call
> the exit function to end the program.
> Bind all the non-lazy and lazy symbols of the module in the image
> that defines the symbolName and let all dependent symbols in the
> needed libraries be bound as needed. This would be used for a
> module that might not be expected bind without errors but links
> against only system-supplied libraries that are expected to bind
> without any errors. For example, you might use this option with a
> third-party plug-in.
> Bind all the symbols of the module that defines the symbolName
> and all if the dependent symbols of all needed libraries. This should
> only be used for things like signal handlers and linkEdit error
> handlers that can't bind other symbols once executed.
> Return NULL if the symbol cannot be bound. This option is similar to
> the NSAddImage option
> for more details.
> NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage
> extern enum DYLD_BOOL
> NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage(
>     const struct mach_header *image,
>     const char *symbolName);
> NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage returns true if the specified
> image (or, if the image is a framework, any of its subframeworks)
> contains the specified symbol, false otherwise.
> The image parameter is a pointer to a mach_header data structure.
> You can get this pointer from a shared library by calling
> NSAddImage.
> The symbolName parameter is a C string specifying the name of the
> symbol to retrieve.
> The image parameter for NSLookupSymbolInImage and
> NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage is a pointer to the mach_header
> data structure of a Mach-O shared library. You can obtain a pointer to
> a mach_header data structure from:
> ?     the NSAddImage function
> ?     a linker defined symbol as defined in <mach-o/ldsym.h>,
> described on the ld(1) man page
> ?     the dyld(3) function _dyld_get_image_header(3)
> ?     the mach_header arguments to the callback functions called from
> _dyld_register_func_for_add_image(3).
> Copyright ? 2001 Apple Computer, Inc.

  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026