Thread: Re: Postgresql as complete stand alone service

Re: Postgresql as complete stand alone service

Jason Tishler

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 01:25:24AM -0600, sarosh wrote:
> Firstly, I would like to personally thank you for the patches you've made.
> They have been an a *HUGE* help in our development.

I'm glad that you have found them helpful -- I was just leveraging off of
the work done by the Cygwin and PostgreSQL efforts.

> I have worked through
> all of the old articles/threads on's porting mailing list. I
> have a rather strange situation that I just cannot seem to resolve any
> further.
> I am able to build the latest version (7.0.3) under cygwin; I then move the
> entire compiled package to a new directory along with the cygwin dll, I set
> PGDATA variable, and postmaster still complains that it cannot find a
> postgres to execute! (Yes, I have replaced the linked binary with another
> copy of postgres.exe). I have also set the environmental variables in the
> system settings and also attempted to set them on the command line. I am
> quite certainty it is a path error; is there anyway that I can define a very
> rigid path that postgresql.exe must use?

What do you mean by "move" above?  I hope that you mean "make install".
If not, please try that.

> I have noted that there are quite a few other individuals who were able to
> get this to work. What do I appear to be missing?
> My goal is simply to have a build postgres database that is truly standalone
> server mode; we are doing some qa tests and cygwin adds some severe
> complexity to our process sadly. It would ship with only one database that
> is controlled via a service.
> I am at my wit's end. Any and all help is appreciated.

You need to provide more details such as:

    1. exact error message from postmaster
    2. output from set or env
    3. output from cygcheck -s -r -v

In the future, please post to the list instead of emailing me directly.
You will probably get a faster answer while possibly helping out others
in the process.


Jason Tishler
Director, Software Engineering       Phone: +1 (732) 264-8770 x235
Dot Hill Systems Corp.               Fax:   +1 (732) 264-8798
82 Bethany Road, Suite 7             Email:
Hazlet, NJ 07730 USA                 WWW: