Thread: Regression test results not the same

Regression test results not the same

"Doug Edmunds"

I have 2 different linux boxes:

#1 is a PII 450 with 128 meg ram
#2 is a PII 350(?) with 96 meg ram

Linux is the most recent Mandrake release, which
uses all the Redhat 6.2 rpms.

I installed postgresql from the rpms without problems.

I then ran the regression test (as user postgres),
per instructions, and had some differences:

On Machine 1, it ran to completion (presumably) -- all
entries came out 'ok' and the last item was "temp .. ok",
then it returned to a command prompt.

On Machine 2, all items reported 'ok' also, and the
last item was "temp .. ok", but following that, it printed
out this:

2.42user 1.67system 1:49:83elapsed 3%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (44856major+21403minor)pagefaults 0swaps.

I don't know what this information means, and I don't know
why it only appears on the one machine but not the other.

I have not seen this kind of info on any other programs.

Can you help?

-- doug edmunds
16 June 2000