Thread:'s Toga Times's Toga Times

TOGA TIMES Issue I  Volume 6

January 19, 2000

Hello again, my friends, and welcome to all of you newbies,

For those of you receiving this amusing and informative E-Newsletter for the first time, either you signed up for it or
oneof your friends thought you were cutting edge enough to receive it.  As always should you no longer wish to receive
thisclassy piece of literature and other related cool stuff, please reply to 

In Today's Toga Times:

*Spring Break is coming
*First ever store coupon
*Name The Sheep Contest
*Still looking for a few more On Campus Marketing Reps
*News in the Greek World
*New G-Spot

As you embark on this journey into Winter/Spring semester, and thoughts of all those long classes, quizzes and exams
runrampant through your minds; we here at have our thoughts turned towards someplace else.  Someplace
wet,someplace exciting, someplace where you are greeted with a sign saying "Welcome Spring Breakers!"  Yes, Spring
Breakis right around the corner.  I know it may be hard to think about Spring Break this early in the semester, but you
must! And is your Spring Break headquarters.  Visit our GreekCentral Store at make sure that you are all geared up to show your colors and letters.
Ifyour body is going to be seen on the Spring Break scene with MTV, you better be showing your letters, and we have the
placeto get the highest quality Greek Apparel available anywhere.  But being of an innate philanthropic nature, I feel
thatjust offering you higher quality and lower costs than most "bricks and mortars" stores is not enough.  That is why,
I,Da Prez, am announcing the first ever online coupon.  Simply inform us that you are using coupon
#TT101when placing your order, whether online (indicate coupon  #TT101 in shipping instructions box) or via phone, and
youwill receive 15% off your total order (not to exceed $200). is the
placeto shop and get the best quality and lowest prices on all of your Greek Apparel.  This coupon expires on February

At we are looking to name our jester. Give him a name and if we select it you can win $5,000 in cash!
Easy!  Free!

And speaking of names, you folks did such a great job naming the Toga Times, it is only natural to turn to you, our
fans,to name our friend, our mascot, our SHEEP!  Please start submitting your ideas to me at,
ASAP! We will be drawing suggestions over the next few weeks and announcing the winner in an upcoming version of the
TogaTimes.  What will the lucky and creative person win?  They will receive Special #1 from the GreekCentral Store
absolutelyFREE!  Special #1 includes; 1 12oz. sweatshirt (classic - 3 sewn 4" letters), 1 heat press t-shirt (casual -
3heat pressed 2" letters - choose letter color and location), 1 custom bar hat (retro - 2 bars - one size fits all)
Thatis a cash value of over $85.00!  Runners up will receive hats, CDs and mousepads.  So get those submissions in to

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free,detailed profiles on over 3000 companies and over 60 industries. 
Applications are coming in, but there are still positions available.  Would you like the chance to earn a little extra
cash,and maybe a credit or two?  We are looking for a few good GREEKS, could that be you?  Jump at the chance to earn
somecash, some credits and the admiration and respect of your peers, by becoming a Campus Rep for
Makeit happen!  Just stop by for details and to apply. 

So we are always telling you folks what is new here at, what is new in the Greek World in general?
Well, here is what is happening at campuses like yours across the country as reported and editorialized on our Greek

A committee at Dartmouth College, the college whose extracurricular debauchery inspired "Animal House" - recommended
lastMonday that only seniors and a few juniors be allowed to live in fraternity and sorority houses.  It also urged a
tighteningof the rules on serving alcohol at parties.  

A January 8th fight at the University of Utah, involving Sigma Nu and Beta Theta Pi fraternities sent members of both
fraternitiesto the hospital, no charges were filed. 

A reader tells her own story of freshman life, making mistakes and growing up at Pi Beta Phi sorority,
IllinoisState University and is truly enjoying her sophomore year in college.  Read her full story here;

Do you have original stories, articles or views you would like to see on  If you do, simply drop me
anemail at  My staff and I will review them and post them on our site.  We do reward all
originalcontent that gets posted on! 

Want a chance to win cash and prizes while you do other things, like work or surf the web. Simply go to  The WinDough Prize Window is a small browser window that you can place in the corner of your
desktop.You can win cash and prizes playing WinDough. Click to play, and maybe win! 

While you are cruising our outta site site, don't forget to swing by and check out the latest version of the G-Spot.
Thisis our senior editor's only opportunity to get truly editorial! is the
placeto learn what is going on in the mind of one of sick puppy! 

Be safe!



Please direct any questions, comments or suggestions to

P.S. As always, TOGA TIMES, is a service of  Please feel free to forward this e-mail to your friends.

If you wish to no longer receive this classy piece of literature and other related cool stuff, please reply to