<p align="CENTER"><font color="#0000ff" face="Lucida Calligraphy" family="SCRIPT" lang="0" ptsize="12" size="4"><b>The
HottestBusiness Opportunity to Hit<br /> the U.S. this Year!</b></font><font color="#000000" ptsize="12" size="4"><br
/></font><fontptsize="10" size="3"><br /></font><font color="#000040" ptsize="12" size="4"><b>This is not a MLM Program
!<br/></b></font><font ptsize="10" size="3"> </font><font color="#000000" ptsize="10" size="3"><br /></font><font
color="#800080"ptsize="10" size="3"><b>Earn Full Time Income on a Part Time Basis !!!<br /><br /></b></font><font
color="#ff8040"face="Arial" family="SANSSERIF" lang="0" ptsize="8" size="2">New Photo Postcard vending machines which
putyour face on a postcard<br /> are a smashing success throughout Europe.</font><font face="Lucida Calligraphy"
family="SCRIPT"lang="0" ptsize="10" size="3"><i><br /></i></font><font color="#800080" ptsize="10" size="3"><br
/></font><fontcolor="#000000" face="Arial" family="SANSSERIF" lang="0" ptsize="8" size="2">Now for the first time these
machinesare available in the U.S. <br /> The U.S. market will grow to thousands of machines within the next <br />
12-18months according to industry experts. We are seeking qualified individuals<br /> who are looking to take advantage
ofa virtually untapped market opportunity in<br /> their area. There are retail locations across the country
......waiting! <br /><br /></font><font color="#0000ff" face="Lucida Calligraphy" family="SCRIPT" lang="0" ptsize="12"
size="4"><i>Timingis Everything !</i></font><font ptsize="10" size="3"><br /><br /></font><font color="#000000"
face="Arial"family="SANSSERIF" lang="0" ptsize="8" size="2">We have developed the new self-service Personal Post Card
totake advantage<br /> of this dynamic market opportunity. Personal Post Cards combines the popularity<br /> of the
followingmarkets:<br /><br /></font><font color="#ff8040" ptsize="10" size="3">Travel and Leisure Market $200
billion<br/></font><font color="#008000" ptsize="10" size="3">Greeting Card $10 billion</font><font ptsize="8"
size="2"><br/></font><font color="#800080" ptsize="8" size="2">Photography $30 billion</font><font color="#0000ff"
ptsize="8"size="2"><br /></font><font color="#800080" ptsize="8" size="2"><br /></font><font color="#0000ff"
face="LucidaCalligraphy" family="SCRIPT" lang="0" ptsize="14" size="5"><i><u>The Opportunity Is:</u></i></font><font
color="#800080"face="Arial" family="SANSSERIF" lang="0" ptsize="8" size="2"><br /><br /> Part or full time<br
/></font><fontcolor="#008080" ptsize="8" size="2">No selling required<br /></font><font color="#ff8040" ptsize="8"
size="2">Noprior experience or office required<br /></font><font color="#008000" ptsize="8" size="2">All cash
business!<br/></font><font color="#0000ff" ptsize="8" size="2">Financing programs available</font><font ptsize="10"
size="3"><br/><br /></font><font color="#800080" face="Lucida Calligraphy" family="SCRIPT" lang="0" ptsize="10"
size="3"><i><u>Fora Free Business Package at No Obligation:<br /></u></i></font><font color="#000000" ptsize="10"
size="3"><br/></font><font face="Lucida Handwriting" family="SCRIPT" lang="0" ptsize="10" size="3"><b><i><a
</font="</FONT"><fontcolor="#008000" ptsize="14" size="5"><b>1-888-852-7900</b></font><font ptsize="10" size="3"><br
/></font><fontcolor="#000000" face="Arial" family="SANSSERIF" lang="0" ptsize="8" size="2">Please refer to Code
</font><fontcolor="#ff8040" ptsize="8" size="2">F818</font><font color="#000000" ptsize="8" size="2"> when you call.
<br/><br /></font><font color="#0000ff" ptsize="8" size="2">Customer Service Operators are available <br />
Monday-Friday9:00am - 9:00pm EST Saturday-Sunday 12:00 pm to 8 pm EST.</font><font color="#000000" ptsize="8"
size="2"><br/><br /> If you are outside the U.S. please fax your name, complete phone number<br /> including country
codeand a good time for us to call you to (954)236-7264 . <br /> We will respond to your request as soon as
possible.<br/><br /></font><font color="#008000" ptsize="8" size="2">This offer is not valid in all statesand should
notbe considered an offer <br /> in states where the company is not registered.</font><font color="#ff8040" ptsize="8"
size="2"><br/><br /></font><font color="#400040" ptsize="8" size="2">If you no longer desire to receive email from
us</font><fontface="Lucida Calligraphy" family="SCRIPT" lang="0" ptsize="10" size="3">, please email us,</font><font
color="#0000ff"ptsize="10" size="3"><br /><a href="">CLICK HERE</a></font><font
color="#0000ff"ptsize="10" size="3">.</font></a></i></b></font><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p align="CENTER"><font
color="#0000ff"face="Lucida Calligraphy" family="SCRIPT" lang="0" ptsize="12" size="4"><b>The Hottest Business
Opportunityto Hit<br /></b></font><p>the U.S. this Year!<font color="#000000" ptsize="12" size="4"><br
/></font><p><fontptsize="10" size="3"><br /></font><p><font color="#000040" ptsize="12" size="4"><b>This is not a MLM
Program!<br /></b></font><p><font ptsize="10" size="3"> </font><font color="#000000" ptsize="10" size="3"><br
/></font><p><fontcolor="#800080" ptsize="10" size="3"><b>Earn Full Time Income on a Part Time Basis !!!<br
/></b></font><p><br/><p><font color="#ff8040" face="Arial" family="SANSSERIF" lang="0" ptsize="8" size="2">New Photo
Postcardvending machines which put your face on a postcard<br /></font><p>are a smashing success throughout
Europe.<fontface="Lucida Calligraphy" family="SCRIPT" lang="0" ptsize="10" size="3"><i><br